Have you been to Namsan tower, Seoul?


Hello, Steemians!

I'm Joey Park, living in Seoul.

Today, I'm gonna introduce Namsan tower located in Seoul (:

I've never been there before when I was 24.

Last year, I've been living in a shared house with foreign friends.

We wanted to go there.

Cause, you know, the tower is very popular with foreigners.

That's it.


When We were going to Namsan tower, I took this picture.

You know, Namsan tower has 4 colors.

First one is RED.

Red means the air is pretty full of particulate matters like PM 2.5.

And, Second one is Yellow.

Yellow means the air has some particulate matters.

Third one is Green.

Green means the air is clean.

Last one is Blue.

Blue means the air is pretty clean!


When We just got the top of the mountain, Namsan, we were able to see a summerhouse.

It was really cool! and We met a lot of foreign tourists.

They asked me taking a picture for them.

I said sure! why not!

I took pictures well (:


This location is nearby Namsan tower.

What can you see in this picture?


A lot of locks were locked in the fence.

Most locks mean love is forever lol


Right, He is Taylor from United states.

I think he is insane.



Actually... yeah! exactly lol (:

People might think he is fucking insane lol


At the bottom of the tower, there is a nice restaurant, THE PLACE Dining.


This picture shows an interior view.

And, you are able to see the night view of Seoul.

I tried taking a picture for it.

But, I was not able to do that.

Cause, the reflection occurred on the window.


As far as I remember, this is kind of wine.

It might be not (:


Yesterday, I've been there again.

The air was so pretty clean.

You know, In South Korea, It is hard to see blue sky because of Particulate matters 2.5(PM 2.5).

You guys already know where it is from :)


By the way, I've been the sky lounge.

I felt fucking scared from high height.

But the view is pretty nice and never forget it (:

I wanna recommend If you guys come to South Korea,

Please, visit Namsan tower first :P

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