Help me Steemit, keep me accountable!

Getting motivated to exercise has been really difficult for me lately, by lately I mean the last year. I can count on one hand the amount of workouts I have done this year, and probably 2 hands last year. You finally get to the point you are just tired of hearing your own excuses, so this week is the week that I turn that around. This morning I woke up and asked my boyfriend if he was ready to go for a walk, and maybe a jog if I was feeling particularly spry. He rolled over and fell back asleep for another hour. I patiently waited and dicked around on Steemit in the meantime. Once he finally woke up I convinced him I needed a workout buddy and he went with me. We decided to make it fun, brought some music with us and danced along the way.

We live in Camas Washington, which is a small town across the river from Portland Oregon, it's a sleepy little town that still has the small town mentality, but is close enough to a big city that it isn't too long of a drive to experience city life as well. The city has multiple jogging/walking trails littered throughout the city, and I can't believe that I haven't really taken advantage of that until recently. A couple blocks from our house is one of these trails, which winds around a small lake, and has a unique walking bridge that crosses the Washougal river.


The trail also goes through a greenbelt area, and has signs everywhere to not walk off the trail to protect the wildlife. My boyfriend and I were so happy we decided to take this walk, the weather is starting to feel like spring and it reminds us that we should start getting out into nature more. It rains fairly consistently about 9 months out of the year here, which makes our area lush and green, but it also makes exercising outside less appealing. Unfortunately, we don't have any good gym options where we live, so that also affects my motivation.


So, this is my post of accountability, hopefully my fellow steemians will keep me honest, and I will be able to post before and after pics proudly down the road. I will also be posting meal prep posts and some more healthy vegan recipes soon.

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