Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol And Will Never Drink Again

Well, it only took me about 30 years to figure out what a scam alcohol is!

I thought I was smarter than to fall for something that obvious for that length of time. But, no, it totally fooled me.

I thought it was adding to my life. I thought it was making it easier for me to be more sociable. I thought it was giving me confidence. And, I thought it was helping me deal with stressful and difficult situations.

Nope. I got that all wrong!

It was taking away from my life. It was making me think I was being more sociable while I was actually not connecting with anyone in any real way. It made me think I had confidence while it actually drained any real confidence out of me and made me actually more insecure. And its depressing nature made all stressful and difficult situations feel far more stressful and difficult than they were.

And I probably spent about $500,000 during the last 30 years learning this lesson!

Well, the past is the past. Rip that rearview mirror off the car of your life and throw it out the window. No looking back.

I am now so excited about my future without consuming poison and making myself constantly sick.

I discussed how I came to this realization and how easy it was to stop drinking once I realized what it was doing to me here:

Make sure to follow me here on Steemit because tomorrow I'll tell you how stopping drinking has enabled me to become my truest and most authentic self. And it is WAY better.

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