Forget the Government, You Are Your Own Worst Enemy... and How To Overthrow Yourself

People tend to focus their troubles on external forces. The government... the central banks... the next door neighbor... the boss...

What very few know is that your worst enemy is with you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and since the very moment you were born. He/She is everywhere you go. You can't get away from him!

That person is you. Or, more succinctly, your conscious and unconscious mind.

Almost every problem you have had or have has been caused, in one way or another, by your own mind.

Once you can achieve sovereignty from your oppressive mind, however, you can become freer than you've ever imagined.

I've just recently began to gain that sovereignty and in my return to Anarchapulco I talk about how I've never felt freer in my life and how you can do it too.

You can see it here:

I also talk about the importance of not allowing the problems in the world to affect you. And, perhaps how the matrix is set up to make you feel depressed and helpless. But, you don't need to fall for its trap.

I also am reunited with my anarchist dogs after my week-long trip and return to find they are even more disobedient of authority than when I left... which is the way I like it.

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