Be The Truest Most Authentic Version Of Yourself

In my last post here on Steemit, "Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol And Will Never Drink Again", I discussed how much alcohol limited me over the years.

One of the biggest ways was in how I never felt like I was truly being myself.

I was either limited by the cult(ure)/matrix/society in not expressing myself... and when I wasn't doing that, the alcohol was reducing my self confidence and also limiting me from feeling confident enough to be the most authentic version of myself.

Some people who have followed me for years might say, "You express yourself more than most people I know!"

And, that might be the case. But in many ways I was limiting myself dramatically. Those who have been following me have likely noticed the changes over the last few months as I quit smoking, became a raw vegan/fruitarian and stopped drinking while I was at home.

I began to come out of my shell a bit. I felt confident in just being me. I felt like, "This is how I feel and I don't care what you think about me, I'm going to say it goddamit!"

And now that I have fully stopped drinking I have reached a new level of confidence. I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin.

I recently walked the depressing streets of Las Vegas while I discussed how important it is that all of us be the truest and most authentic version of ourselves. We are all special. And the machine/matrix/cult(ure) doesn't want you to express that. It wants us all to be the same... to be bots in the machine.

Here's my take on why we all need to express ourselves to the world and why it's never been more important:

Follow me here on Steemit as I do my daily "walk n talks", sometimes with anarcho-dogs, sometimes without, from various locations on Earth.

Next I'll discuss the person we all need to get to know the most... ourselves.

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