Why Is Divorce Better Than An Agonizing Relation?

The last thing you would want while marrying your bae is getting a divorce. The only point of marriage is the longing for companionship. Divorce never is the first option of any of us but sometimes it is the best. Marriage is like gambling, it may work really good or not at all. However, when things go beyond repair know that ending the relation at a good point is far better than dragging till the worst comes.

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If you are standing at the edge confused about taking the decision, here we help you with logical reasons why should you take the plunge right away.

  • When You Are Forced to Submit

Submission is the epitome of love but when you are forced to submit, things turn ugly. Never having the control of your life, being expected to follow orders without any question or never asking for your rights are the points that you should not compromise on for long. When you know your partner is abusing his power, it is the perfect time to consider divorce.

  • If Your Partner Is a Bad Influence On Your Kids

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Sounds surprising but parents can be a bad influence on their kids too. If your partner is having a constant bad mood, uses swear words and fights with you over each and every tiny little thing, know that he is leaving a bad psychological impact on your kid's mental nourishment. The worst thing any kid would want is his parents fighting all the time.

For the kids to grow into a healthy human being, the parents have to provide them the best of everything, be it their relationship. Remember, sticking in an abusive relationship is worse than raising your kids as a single parent.

  • Marriage Can Take Away Your Personal Freedom

Loving someone is a beautiful thing to experience but what’s even more beautiful is loving yourself. Marriage can take away all of your personal space. It can ruin your freedom turning your life bound to your partner’s only. This only will end up in frustration and prolong the misery.

Any relation is healthy as far as both partners mutually respect each other’s privacy and freedom. Taking away either one’s space, even in love, cannot bring peace. If your spouse can’t accept the idea of you having genuine peace with only yourself, this might be a good time to separate your ways.

  • Your Energy Should Not Go Wasted On Things Unworthy

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Often times, you put your maximum energy, love trying to make the marriage better and all you get in response is nothing. This is the time you should consider taking divorce because your energy can be used on much better things in your life. Marriage is not the only thing in the whole wide world to consume your energy on.

Get a new life, start fresh. You will find a lot more stuff to focus on having the potential to make you happy both inward and outward.

  • Learn What’s On The Other Side

You never know what future holds for you and that is the beauty of it. Instead of being scared of the unknown, take the plunge to find out what it is holding for you. It could introduce you to a whole new horizon of hope.

Just because you don’t know what’s on the other side, does not make it bad.

  • Maximize Your Personal Growth

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We all grow from our experiences. Negative experiences make you discover a lot of new stuff about yourself. Going constantly through thin destroys your mental and emotional growth. A happy relation or a meaningful solitude instead grows your self-worth and esteem.

When your marriage is destroying your identity, giving you pain even if it is numbing, it is high time you should get a divorce and focus on your personal growth.

  • Prolong Misery Brings Missed Opportunities

If you are staying in an unhealthy relationship for a long time, you are missing a whole world of potential opportunities. Divorce can make you alone but a little pain and loneliness can turn out to be a lifetime of opportunities you did not know existed. Know that there are millions of single people in this world out there ready to mingle with you.

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Apart from these basic reasons, there could be a lot more to help you in deciding ‘to or not to’. But know that divorce is a totally personal decision and every individual case is different from the other. If your heart tells you to give it another try, you should go for it. However, if there’s one thing you need to know it is divorce can be painful but sometimes it is the right decision to make. A good divorce is better than a bad marriage.

Stay happy in whatever you decide.

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