Are You an Old-School Individual Struggling to Adapt to the Pace and Style of Modern Life?

Life has changed and evolved quite tremendously over the last couple of decades. So much so that it has become a young man’s world today and people with a somewhat old-fashioned approach struggle to fit in.

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In all honesty, there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about if you or someone you know has a rather old-school mindset. Sometimes, a little bit of respect and appreciation for a particular custom or tradition can be good. In this post, we will take a look at some specific qualities and personality traits that make someone an old-fashioned individual.
Spoiler alert………it is nowhere near as bad as it is made out to be. Read on for some interesting anecdotes regarding old-school thinking.

  • You Believe in True Love Wholeheartedly

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One of the things you hate most about modern living is the rather superficial nature of relationships that most people have with one another. In particular, the way couples tend to hook up and then break up at the drop of a hat seems unreal and annoying to you. This is because you believe in true love and the powerful bond that it can nurture between couples. You set very high standards of loyalty and commitment. Therefore, you have no heart for the drama that most relationships tend to produce these days.

  • You Find Technology and Its Use Irritable and Superfluous

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The technological breakthroughs that the world has witnessed in the past decade have been nothing short of sensational. Everything from our communication channels to the way we work every day has changed and evolved.

However, this 24/7 dependence on electronic gadgets of one kind or another is just not your cup of tea. Instead of being a mode of convenience, this technology becomes a cause of irritation and stress for you. You long for real human connection like it used to happen in the old days when people actually used to invest time in building relationships and have meaningful interactions with one another which were not dependent on any smartphone or tablet. Today’s perpetually online life is nothing short of a nightmare for you.

  • Modern Art (Films, Music, TV) Makes You Cringe Most of the Time

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This is one of the most obvious signs of your old-school personality. For you, there is no real feeling and passion for the art in today’s performers. You long for the old days when the people involved in films and music and television used to do it for the love of the craft and monetary considerations were secondary. This is not to say that every individual involved with the creative arts today is a corporate or commercial sellout, but for you these artists of today just do not have that dedication and commitment as artists from decades gone by.

  • Family Comes First Always

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This is one of the most admirable aspects of your personality. Old-fashioned or not, this is something that each and every individual should strive for.

You understand and acknowledge the role of your family in getting you where you are today. Their unconditional love, support, and care has seen you through some of the darkest days of your life; and it is only fair that you show the same level of commitment and love for them. With the breakneck pace of modern life, it is very easy to grow apart from your loved ones in the hustle and bustle of each day. Often in the rush to make a living, people forget to make a life. Therefore, you make sure that you give ample attention to your loved ones and spend as much quality time with them as possible.

  • Maintaining Traditions Is Something You Take Special Interest In

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This is perhaps one of those things that often cause major differences with the younger lot of today. You feel that preserving and following such traditions/customs is an important part of the identity of a nation, tribe, community, and even individual. That people today dismiss such notions as unnecessary has often driven you over the edge and left you wondering how can someone be so fickle-minded.

Undoubtedly, being old-fashioned in this day and age is not easy and a source of constant stress for many. People also tend to misunderstand such individuals who have different preferences and personalities than most people. Also, being old-school does not really mean that one loathes modern ways of doing things completely. He or she might just prefer a different approach to some things. Furthermore, certain people tend to be old-fashioned with regard to a particular thing. For example, a person may not necessarily be averse to adopting technology in everything and may keep himself/herself abreast of the latest developments. However, that same person may not be too keen to use a Kindle or Ebook Reader and may still prefer the old-school way of reading. All in all, people need to be more tolerant of differing personalities and points of view.

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