TP Solutions

One guy's ingenious invention:

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Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

My oh my are we havin a time with this virus disruption ain't we? I don't know about where y'all are but in North Texas finding TP is about as rare as hen's teeth!

I heard about shortages in the supply chain lasting all year and I scoffed at that notion. No way that's gonna be the situation! Now I'm not so sure. After several weeks I figured TP would be back in stock. lol.

After all, it's Made In America!

It's one of the few products that are still 100% made right here so they'll have this thing fixed in no time.

Nah, couple days ago I went to 5 different stores and also called around(and got laughed at), checking to see if the stock was back.

Gobs of product are being made

After seeing reports on tv about the TP makers running 24/7 and producing double and sometimes triple their normal production, I was expecting to see some.

But every store had zero packages of any type of paper products including paper towels. I also checked cleaning supplies to make sure on that end too.


Same results, no supplies that could be used for disinfectants anywhere, in any type of store.

Dollar Stores

Someone said "Oh, just go to Dollar General, they have everything. Fully stocked. TP, Lysol, everything. So I headed out to two Dollar General stores in the country. The rural locations were supposed to have everything.

Nothing. Entire paper goods section without a single product and no cleaning supplies.

Office supplies

I called Staples and Office Depot because I read they still had cleaning products. They're the ones that burst out laughing. I'm a Prepper so I don't need the products I was just wondering how the supply chain was doing.

Lowes and Home Depot

Same results.

Where's it all goin?

Since the product makers are setting records with their production numbers.. where is it?

Aldi's told me that every single morning a long line of shoppers are lined up before they open and they rush in and get their one allotted TP package if the store has any. lol. That's pitiful!

But other stores....someone has to be hoarding. Unless it's just not getting here.

Up North they're fixin to go on a diet

It's gettin to be slim pickins in Northern Ohio.

Not THAT Slim Pickens ya ding dong!


Step daughter says she couldn't find any meat or bread anywhere. And of course no TP. She's going to do some traveling tomorrow to some smaller towns out of the city and see if she can find anything.

That's gettin serious.

But hey, there ARE bright spots

Leave it up to good ol American ingenuity! A youtuber named Household Hacker invented a machine that can double your dwindling TP supply!

It's brilliant. And easy to make, probably have what it takes to build it laying around the house. Check it out:

lol...and if that ain't good enough for ya, I been seeing ads for these all over the place:


A company called Clear Rear is selling these here bidets. Only $59 for a kit that fits on your regular toilet. I know, I know, the Europeans are laughing at us. No wonder there's no TP shortage over there!

Now we can be just like 'em and cut our TP usage down to a tenth of what we normally do. Plus, you keep savin money on TP when and if the shortage ever ends. It's a win-win!

Hey guys, let me know if y'all are having shortages where you live.
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Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!

PS- Oh I almost forgot about another way to get TP during lockdown. I'm sure alot of you saw this on fb...a guy in San Francisco was running out of TP and told his friend who lives across town.

His friend happens to be a drone racer and he sent over a roll by drone!

That's a beautiful sight ain't it?


Here's a video if you like:



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