3,350KM AROUND OMAN (My Favorite Country In The Middle East)

Hey there, you legends!

This is the 3rd post I'm doing on Steemit after my 6 month-long break and it's about one of the coolest road-trips I've ever done in my entire life - 3,350 kilometers around Oman.

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So without further ado, let's dig right into!

Just over half a year ago I spent months making my way around the Middle East, visiting countries like...


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And The United Arab Emirates

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Even though I really enjoyed my time in all of those countries, I didn't have the chance to go on actual road-trips in any of them - I would generally take a bus or a taxi to one place, spend a few days exploring it and then move on to the next place.

So at some point I got talking with the people I met on the road and someone told me they had an absolute blast driving a 4x4 all around Oman.

At that very moment I knew EXACTLY what I'll do for the next few weeks of my life - fly out to Oman, rent myself a legendary 4x4 and make my way all around that country.

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Flying To Oman

My last stop before Oman was the UAE and even though it is technically possible to take a bus from the UAE to Oman, I read online that it wasn't that easy for foreigners and so I simply decided to take a flight.

For some reason the local flight websites didn't accept my debit card and because I had already invested in crypto currencies at that point, I thought it'd be fun to figure out a way to use some of my Ethereum to purchase that flight with.

So I got busy Googling and eventually found this company called TheBigCoin, who basically accept the major crypto currencies for purchases on most online stores in the world.

I was a bit cautious of using their services at first (I mean it sounded like the best way to scam people of their coins haha), but it worked out just fine and I received my tickets later the same day.

A few days later I finally reached Muscat.

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Renting A Car

At first I checked out some of the major rental companies like EuropCar, Hertz and Sixt, but they all looked incredibly expensive and had tons of additional fees.

So I talked with the manager of my hotel and he showed me this pretty cool street just a few kilometers outside of Muscat that had a dozen or so local car rental places (run by legendary Indian people) and I got myself a pretty good deal on a 4x4 Duster.

I rented it for 10 days for something like $40 per day, which amounted to $400 for the whole trip and was actually quite cheap, since I didn't have to pay for my accommodation (as I slept in my car every night).

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Places I Visited In Oman

Then I got into my car and drove 3,350 kilometers in 10 days all around that beautiful country, visiting absolutely incredible sights on the way.

I spent dozens of hours making my way through the never-ending deserts, visited the "Omanese Grand Canyon", hung out with more camels than people haha, bathed only in those completely empty white-sand beaches, checked out some large caves, old forts and dozens of other awesome places.

I just published a 19 minutes-long video from that road-trip, check it out here:

Oman was definitely my favorite country in the Middle East and I can't wait to come back there in the future. It's just too good to be true, hey!

Thank you very much for reading the post, I really hope you enjoyed it!

Let me know what you would like me to post about in the comments below and follow me for more updates in the future.

Also, if you want to get real-time updates from my travels, check me out on Instagram.

And always remember...

Life's short, why waste a second?

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