I have issues ... plus ... ranting

If I'm going to be upset about something, well then there's plenty to be upset about.

There are so many problems in the world.
Horrible things are happening every day.
Wars and famine and people are dying.

But here I am having major stress over a cat I met 2 weeks ago.

I do have OCD so I guess it's not really surprising that I'm obsessing over a cat ... hence the title of this post.

But it's still exhausting and irritating.

We have already rescued 2 cats since moving to this place in July.
Now we have 7 cats.



The situation is now out of control.
I may even qualify to be an actual shelter at this point.

These assholes around here just abandon their dogs and cats like they are yesterday's trash.
They move out of their apartment and just leave the animal behind.
I can't understand that mentality.

I mean, I definitely can not even comprehend it being an Empath myself, but how do you just not have the basic decency and compassion to care about another living being?

So, anyway, 2 weeks ago I was sitting outside and this fluffy black cat came running up to me screaming.
There are basically 2 types of small cats: domesticated and feral.
Feral cats grow up outside and they are taught how to hunt and fend for themselves by the mother cat. Some of it is instinctual, but if a cat is domesticated from the time it is a kitten then it is much harder for it to live outside and hunt for its own food because they don't have the experience as they have relied on humans their whole life.

So, this cat is a friendly, domesticated, abandoned cat.
I can't take it in obviously since I already have 7 cats like a crazy person.

I just realized that no one is actually going to read this post because it's the ramblings of a crazy cat lady.

Anyhoo, I give the poor thing some food for a few days.
It's been cold and rainy outside so I feel so bad for this little kitty that just needs a home.

I did some research and there aren't any no-kill shelters around here.
There is one 45 minutes away but you have to prove that you are a resident of that city in order to surrender a cat.

I went to the main office after a few days of feeding this kitty and the lady knew exactly what cat I was talking about and even had a name for it.
She confirmed that an asshole tenant had moved out and left it behind.
I asked her if she could help since it is technically the responsibility of the apartment complex.
She seemed not to give any fucks.

Am I the only person who cares about abandoned kitties?

Do I care too much?

Well, I haven't seen the cat in many days and I'm feeling guilt and worry.

I'm afraid I killed it by not giving it a home.

The Shane thinks that someone else took it in.

I hope so.

Rant over.

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