Diary of a corrupt, read and know a little more about personalities that are around you. # 4 ING

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Hello, I imagine that when you view the title of my presentation you enter to read as is my daily life and as is my personality, this way to avoid to cross with me somewhere of your life, of course you are a legal and just person, if you it are not of insurance you begin to read to see if you can learn to perfect the art of the corruption, To be honest I have no idea how this all started in my life, Only that today I am wrapped in thousand scandals and the people who know me look at me with mistrust, I understand perfectly those who judge me and look at me with bad eyes, but I can do nothing because I do not control this that does that she is a bad and corrupt person.

I feel that I am put in a bubble of which it is already impossible to escape, that is not a fault of any other person, because one is a proprietor of its acts and decisions, No one ever forced me to fall into the path of corruption, I think this is born or simply the love of money drag you into this world which is difficult to escape, Daily I observe how my circle of friends gets smaller and that frightens me, I still have many friends but I know they are on my side just because they are equal or worse than me and others by interest, That really affects me, I don't know what to do, I don't know, like escaping from this tainted world that I find myself in.

In my pass through this world of corruption have been able to observe that this evil does not distinguish profession, Social status, skin color, or any other difference that may exist among people, I have seen people with many studies being corrupt like me, I've been able to see very low-income people who fall into this for just a piece of bread or some extra money, I've seen great politicians, great personalities, simple cops, simple street vendors, etc. I can say that in this world there is a great community of corrupt, I would say that roughly 45% of the world's population is or has once fallen at least once in corruption.

I have to admit that not always I have been corrupt and that not between to this world for my own account, On the contrary I was induced to this, I can't blame the person who brought me to this community of corrupt, You own your decisions and you always have the option of saying no and just getting away, I did not and just let me drag and I was liking but to this day I regret, Despite having a lot of money I know I've done the wrong thing in my life, It all started in my school when a corrupt teacher told me that it would help me pass with more note if I gave him a few dollars, I remember he told several of my classmates, Many made the right decision and said no, Others like me went for the easy and let us drag falling into this, The worst thing is that we like and continue the game of corruption.

Today my friends who said they are not excellent people and the best thing is that they have their conscience clean and know that they owe nothing to anyone, maybe not rich, But they are happy, As for my person and the other companions who entered the world of corruption by saying yes, we have been fine in the life, Some simply said that if that time but they repented and did not follow in the game, They are still stained but have a healthy life and to this day they have their conscience clean because they know that only made that mistake, But they didn't follow in the game, Contrary to my colleagues and I stayed tainted in the world of corruption, Today we have money but we live unhappy knowing that we are doing the wrong thing, Nothing is perfect in this life but there will always be time to make good decisions and know how to say no.

I don't want to lengthen or take much of your time, I just wanted to letting off steam a little bit because my conscience accuses me to each second of my life and i would not like you who read me to live this way, I want to give you some advice and I hope you take that into account, In life you will always be presented with opportunities and corruption or corrupt people will always be everywhere, I ask you to move away as much as possible from these people or anything that wants to drag them into corrupt, There is nothing better than one to have inner peace and to know that it is just and does not hurt anybody, People who read to me that are already involved in corruption I tell them to try to stop that and understand that there is always time to repent and stop doing evil, It will never be late to deviate from the bad road to the good Road, I know it's hard and I say it from experience, But it's not impossible, Let's not do what we don't want them to do to us. That's the law of life.

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