Diary of a blind person, read and know a little more about personalities that are around you. # 3 ENG

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Hello, today is a new day and a new awakening, I know by the beautiful song of birds, I know from the fresh smell of coffee, I know because I have no sleep, I can not see the sunrise, but if I can feel. Yes, I am a visually impaired person, not because of this I want to be hurt or despised, This is not why I want you to stay away from me, I am as normal as you or anyone else who can see the beauty of life.

My world is full of darkness always, I do not know what are the colors, I do not know how are the things that describe me, I don't know what the world really is, but if I can imagine it every time I touch something and feel its shape, I can feel its texture and it allows me to have an idea of how things are, I do not feel limited by not being able to see, if it were so I would die in a bed just crying for not having the same chances of others, Or be able to see how beautiful it is perhaps the world. On the contrary I try to be as normal as possible and be part of the society.

I thank all the good-hearted people who understand the state of many people who as I cannot see, I appreciate those people or animals that help us in our daily lives, I appreciate all the advances that many people have dedicated to creating to make life a little easier and more normal to take people with visual impairment, I am grateful to all those who do not feel hurt or penalty for my or the other people that suffer from the same problem, I thank the people who get me on the street when I go alone with my cane or my dog guide that in some way or another ask me if they can help me or simply talk to me and try to show me something to make me feel part of society.

I know that there are a lot of people on the planet who are worse off than me or maybe have other limitations, That's why I can't complain, on the contrary I must live every day with my self-esteem high and with the intention of trying to put my grain of sand in favor of humanity, Most of the time you'll see me just sitting somewhere talking to myself, don't think that's because I'm crazy, Nothing to do, just that I like to converse with my conscience, when you see me alone and bored there I ask a little of your time to get close and talk to me for a while, that you describe the things to me or that simply you accompany me a little bit to converse of any thing, Is that sometimes I get very bored because all I see is darkness.

I do not want to bore you with so many words, I know that maybe you have many things to do, just wanted you to understand some things that you surely do not know of people who like me suffer this type of disability, To not lengthen much, I want to conclude by saying that you do not be indifferent to my person or other people who are blind, Remember that the best thing you can do in life is to help your neighbor, even more to those who have a disability or have a limitation on something, I want to be part of the world, I want to know you, I want you to consider me a person just like you and treat me like the others, That you talk to me like you do with any other friend, I ask you to put yourself in my shoes or in the shoes of any blind person and imagine for a while how you would feel if you were in our condition, it is not easy at all but it is not also badly of dying, I hope someday to find you or stumble on you somewhere to talk for a while.

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