Tips : Know The Couple Life Closer - Look At The Contents of Her House

The home is the place where one gets his first education and is the ultimate and urgency education. If education at home fails, then fail also the life of his children later on. It means that the first education a person gets at home is very important. Therefore, we are commanded to give warning to all our family members. In addition, the struggle to establish a harmony household is one form of true struggle.

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So, to know the character of a child can be seen from the behavior of the family and the most realistic is to see a book what be read, attributes or jewelry attached to the wall of her house. If on the wall taped religious symbols, at least show the proximity of family members to religious values. Conversely, if on the wall plastered things that smell mystique or photos sex or gangster, then the family has a tendency in that direction.

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Likewise, if the family is diligent in reading can be seen books that usually lined neatly or newspapers and magazines that usually exist in the living room. The tendency of reading can be seen from the type of book she reads. A good family is certainly read a good reading too.

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A true man will surely judge the person of his / her spouse from the characteristics of the family as seen from the things mentioned above. This is important as a stock for upcoming life. A child who used to live in a good environment, will behave well in the family later.

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