It Doesn't Need to be Grandiose ^^

They said that as we grow older the reasons for our happiness create a much greater gap compared to when we were younger. Whether we accept it or not, it doesn't change.

As we do try fooling ourselves twisting the truth, ah! An innocent child cannot be fooled by how we act, talk or even perceive things around us.

We set grandiose dreams and aspirations we want to embrace in life which we think can fully satisfy our cravings of lasting contentment and happiness. Yes, most of us do. I belong to the group. I do set schedules, timelines in everything I do and want to have a grasp of. I don't know for you, but that's me. In my personal life, my class... too many to mention. Well, there's nothing wrong about all of these besides they stretch me to my limits - discipline, expectation, and standards.

As I grow older and try to reflect in my younger years' mindset (in my 20's), I have come to the point of readjusting things. What I mean is that cautiously letting go of my grasp on the things that I aim for control. Because as I perceive the more I control things based on my timetable and outlook even if I know that it is not how things are going to be, and I still insist, I have been missing out a lot.

A quote I read, "Best things in life are NOT things." I don't possess a lot of things to flaunt or much money in my bank account, but I have been so tight to myself to some extent missing necessary "things" in life.

Every time I give myself time to go outside my mind, I am able to gaze upon the beauty that has always been there. Yes, it's always been there, yet I haven't had the opportunity to perceive it. For what reason? I was not looking for it. Therefore, how can I perceive something I don't bother keeping an eye on?

This is a very simple experience I have had that I want to share with you.
For a week, I have been craving something (food). I went out with my sister to a cafe, while on the way home I really wanted to take the chance to check out a place to eat. I saw a Tacos Shop, and so I ordered and ate most of it. It is actually recommendable. If you happened to pass by this shop, grab one for you. Lots of foreigners were cueing for this.





Sadly, it was not the one. One afternoon, the staff at the school where I was teaching were eating corn (white). I wanted to ask one, but nothing was left for a "child" like me. So, I uttered a simple prayer. "God, you know what…I want to eat corn." I walked home thinking about it (he). You might think that is really trivial. By the way, you are right. It is so petty, but isn't it that it is a child's desire for simplicity that brings so much happiness in him or her? I arrived home, as I entered yellow corn was handed to me by my sister. I said, "Thank you. Do you have the white one?"She answered, "I like this more than the white one; this is more nutritious." I added, "I like the white corn .^^" Days passed by... At last, just yesterday afternoon, I saw a seller beside the school. My face gleamed with delight. I immediately walked toward the seller and bought two "white" corn. I could smell the scent. I wanted to eat it at once, but I paused for a bit to take a picture of them at home. Well, for this simple post. (hehe) It was satisfying. It costs $.75, yet the gladness is more than an expensive menu in a restaurant.


Yes, it is simple, but I miss this feeling of happiness from simple circumstances. It was not part of my schedule, timetable...bla.. bla..bla.. but I was grateful to be in this state. I am full of gladness. Why wait to be happy just after achieving grandiose dreams if we can be happy as we perceive simple yet fulfilling experiences along the way?

How amazing it is to have a childlike perception of things. I don't have to analyze everything; besides life is not all meant to be worked out in my brain.

I believe that it is more than happiness that it brings, but joy from within. Tangible things may bring temporary happiness, but there is so much more joy that it brings when we count on to what really matters.

Thank you for reading!


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