How I Played My Way Back To Good Health And How You Can Too!


Let me tell you exactly how I played my way to recovering from mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual decay. Yes I said PLAY! Just like the kids we were, we can play our way back to health. 

You know how people love watching and sharing the highlights of life? Of course because it feels good and things appear to be going well. 

However, for the last year and a half I had been watching and sharing the lowlights. The lowlights of my life kept playing in my head over and over again. I felt stuck and unable to shake what I was dealing with.


And then came this book. This book become of the most important things that helped me refocus my life and break free of what had been holding me down for so long. Reading Play It Away was the first step I took to reclaiming my life from the dumps. I was overworked, stressed and worried about everything. I even worried that I would die. That's how bad things were for me.                     

Here are the main things I learned and this may help you if you find yourself in a similar state of life:

  1. Overwork is a serious problem and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible
  2. Depriving yourself of play is most likely the main cause of an unhealthy life
  3. Go in the direction of what you are most attracted to
  4. Don't feel guilty about playing because your body and mind literally depend on it
  5. Surround yourself with people (Steemit relationships are good but face to face relationships are even better) that want to have fun and treat life as play.
  6. Although it will be hard at times, start looking at work as something that is to be enjoyed
  7. Write out the anchors that are holding you back in life and try to find simple solutions to get rid of them

Mankind's Search For The Ideal World & How It Can Lead To Final Destiny

Reading this book and the Bible, which is directly from the mind of the Creator of all things, put life in perspective for me. There is a new and infinitely better world that is about to come and you do not want to miss out on being a part of it. 

In fact, you are invited to the biggest party in the history of mankind. Peace is coming to the world soon. Having this new world to look forward to everyday keeps me fighting to continue helping, encouraging, loving, and inspiring people. My life has changed forever. 


My wife and I along with our little lioness, Nala took a road trip back in October. We had fun hiking in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Then we traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada which is where I want to live one day. In Vegas we hiked, camped and ate so much great vegan food. Man I hated leaving Vegas. After that we headed to Phoenix, Arizona to stay about 4 days with my wife's grandpa. We mainly chilled out at the house enjoying the refreshing pool as well as went hiking to see sexy mountains. Lol. I know that last part is weird.

This refreshed my mind so much and helped me to refocus and think about what I wanted to do in life and how I could get it done. Taking road trips like these helps you decompress and get away from stressful and deadly environments. 

High Levels of Creative Work

I am a creator, therefore I create. I love creating. Whether it's writing on Steemit, making music, brainstorming creative ideas, a little graphic design, making videos, I enjoy the process of manifesting things simply from my thoughts. 

Creativity is the juice that can mend your mind and start the recovery process. Working on creative pursuits has made a night and day difference in my overall health and I know it can work for you too.

Becoming A Better Basketball Player

Watch: Is HumanEarl Going Pro? 

So as most of you know by now I really enjoy playing basketball when I get the chance. The fact that I get to workout my body and improve my physical health makes such a big difference. When I was dealing with all that crap for so long including a shoulder surgery I had gotten away from playing this game that I enjoy. 

Once I begin working out and playing B-ball again my vigor shot through the roof. Now I want to focus on continuing to play and improve my skills. Find a sport or exercise that you really enjoy and have fun with it. This is a miracle for improving your health. 

Float The Stress Away

I didn't know what to expect from floating at first. But I will try to give you an idea of what floating is like. 

You are in room temperature water that is so salty it makes you float. You are alone with your thoughts and you have to face yourself. At first your thoughts will run wild due to not having anything to stimulate your mind. It's not scary it's just completely different than anything you've done in your life. Your body relaxes and the tension melts like butter. You may go to sleep which if you do it will be the best sleep you've never had. 

After about 30 minutes or so depending on how long you paid to float, the water jets will come on to let you know that it is time to exit the pod. Do not rub your eyes. Remember you were laying in salt water and it will burn if you do. Ahhhh. You feel so loose and refreshed. Now for a quick shower to wash the salt off and you're on your way to a much more relaxing day. 

Get Your Head Right

Now I've only done meditation much more recently but what I've noticed was that I was alot less anxious and less prone to getting angry. Meditating allows your mind to just BE. It's not about trying to change your thoughts. It's simply about allowing your mind to relax and focus. 

This is also another thing that has aided in my recovery and I now understand why so many people talk about using it in their lives. There's an app called HEADSPACE that pretty much walks you through how to meditate. Maybe you'll find it helpful. 

Wrap Up

Now I understand why I have been dealing with so much in the last year and a half. It's because of you my fellow Steemians as well as others in the world. I went through all those horrible experiences so that I can share with you how I overcame those things. Shouts out to @evernoticethat for the comment of the day and reminding me of why I had walked through the fire. I am still on the road to getting back to 100% but these are the things that overhauled my life. I wish all of you peace from the Creator and I love you. This post is for you!


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