It’s international woman’s day, what a good idea to single woman out to make them feel equal! What an absolutely stupid idea.

It’s International woman’s day.
The day is a contradiction in terminus. A day to celebrate woman? Single woman out to make them feel equal? What a weird concept.

I’m not a feminist. I used to be, I would get angry if a man held the door for me, but you know what, I’m not anymore. I do believe I have the same rights and that I have the same potential at work and I believe woman should be free!!!!!!!

Freedom is to me financially independence, living without poverty, being equal under the law and live in freedom and piece, whiteout the threat of sexual abuse.

There are many woman all over the world that live in captivity. They either need the approval of a male family member to do anything, or are financially completely dependent on them.
There are many woman over the world that provide the primary income, but live away from their family, away from their children, and still live in poverty. There many woman all over the world that live in threat of abuse, that live in rural areas and live under threats of society.
All other woman have the choice to improve their equality, their own freedom and independence.

Many countries have equality under their national law, but woman are still captive in real live. And that is not only, because woman aren’t seen as equal, it’s because still a lot of woman choose to be dependent.

How many woman went to school, studies and eventually chose not to work and stay at home?
I’m not against this kind of practices, but come on, a lot of times this happens after discussions with the partner that this is the best financial option, that it is the best choice for the kids. It might not be the easiest path: work and children, but it certainly brings independence and therefore freedom.

It is pure nonsense, that it’s better to have woman take care of the children. Neither emotionally and also not financially.

The best thing for the children is that they are brought up in a loving matter, this can be mummy or daddy and preferably both, and even the whole support system around families are living people that can help bring up the children

It used to be that families had a lot more support around them, and mummy and daddy both worked a lot, maybe not a job outside, but still, both worked.

When I had my children I went back to work after 3 months, and I found it a blessing. I almost didn’t dare to tell people how happy I was to be out of the house and have my own live besides being a mum and wife. I felt like I had a piece of my myself old self at work.

When I dared to admit it to my friends, all these stories came out. The first thing was that when the baby arrived one of my friends wasn’t in love with her baby. She wasn’t depresssed, just not completely in love she admitted, and as soon as she admitted it, it was like all the woman around her weren’t afraid anymore to admit it as well. She admitted she didn’t like the nursing and only when her kid started to really express emotions crawl and be more active she was starting to enjoy it.

One of my best friends called work mummy-daycare, and yes that is exactly what it is like. I feel like I have some time to myself at work, she said the same, we still say it 13 years later and earning three times what we used to.
And yes that is another part, we earn now much more! We might not have earned a lot when we had our children, and it might have made financial sense to stay at home at that time, bit that is just short sighted. Woman that stop working fall behind on the financial ladder.

My sister is ultra ambitious reaching the highest levels of a multinational. She loves working and and her kids get lots of love from her and our whole family, and are happy. And this is the biggest mistake woman make. They feel guilty for not being there all the time. But it’s ok to miss things, as long as there is somebody who loves them to see it.

As a woman you need to make the choice that you want to stay on the career path, and not just let it all go, not being there for every step of your children, but putting some time in career development, to see that it is completely worthwhile, otherwise your children will be your main project. Or don’t have children, also an option.

And then we have the opposite side of the coin. Recently my husband admitted he made a huge mistake. Though I was always ambitious, he was as well, and at times, it was difficult to juggle both careers. He admitted that he should have let me have my career, and that he might have preferred to stay home more, to work part time, but never dared, at society looks down on it.

And now I realize that society still holds us back, not only woman, but also men. Men are seen as having to make the prime income, while they actually might not want to.

Instead of having woman’s day, we should just get rid of the restriction of thinking what woman should do and what men should be. We put the restrictions upon ourselves.

I’m happy I never listened to people saying I was a bad mum for working, I never felt guilty that my parents saw my child’s first step. Indeed it’s not always easy to juggle all the balls, but it does make live so much more interesting.

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