What is Integrity?


Have you ever wonder why you are attracted to an individual or an object? Are you attracted to an object because of it's quality and ability to perform without flaw? Or perhaps why you are attracted to another person besides LOOKs?

You know what is more valuable than gold or money? Integrity........
Integrity in a person is probably the most respected characteristic of a person.

No amount of money can buy this......

Having integrity is having self worth.

My uncle has shed some wisdom in me. He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He always put his friends before him. Despite the fact that he has money, people DO things for him because of who he is.....NOT because of his money. He is a very caring person. He is dependable and reliable. He has integrity.

I have been through a lot in my life. A lot of hardships... There are many things I really don't feel comfortable in sharing out in the public but it is this inner light that drives me forward ---- to grow into a better person.
To have integrity......

I encourage you to be yourself and quit doubting the possibilities that can happen through self growth. Don't let the negativity of the media or what's around you stop you from growing within. As long as you have integrity your ideas, YOU as a person will attract others.

This has to penetrate your core and let it resonate...........
If you are FAKE...people will see through you.

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Integrity is what challenges you to rise to be the best and NOT tarnish yourself.

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