Technology impacting our way of communicating

Hello Stemians!

Today I want to comment a bit on how the technology has impacted our way of life and how it will be later on. It has now penetrated almost every area of ​​our life, to the point that we spend most of the day looking at the screen of our smartphones or in front of our computer.


While it is no secret to anyone that technology is absorbing us more and more, several surveys have revealed that as human beings we always seek social interaction. Today we live in a superconnected world, where it almost does not matter where in the world we are, we can communicate with others thousands of kilometers by means of technology.

The truth is that in our current world, technology has become almost ubiquitous so fast that we have hardly noticed it, and while it has an immense list of advantages, we must also remember how important it is to dedicate time to other activities not associated to technology, with something as simple as leaving the phone for a while while we talk to our friends.

Particularly, as an example of the above, I have often found myself in the situation of being talking to a friend and that he is just hanging on to his phone, which is quite uncomfortable at times, and surprisingly this is very common nowadays .


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