Alcohol makes your body and mind hollow from inside


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Often every evening, many people mix tension of their life in a glass and drink it. Although many people say that alcohol is consumed in small quantities, then the drug works. But let us tell you that it is a beverage that directly affects your mind. Yes, today we will tell you the terrible loss of drinking.

Often doctors recommend that you drink a lot of alcohol every day because of your age. The liver also gets worse. Now this point has also been proved by a scientific study. Explain that recently it was researched to check the effects of alcohol on the health effects. According to the study, people who consume too much alcohol have many types of serious diseases.

For example, they may be deadly diseases such as stroke, aneurism, heart attack. At the same time the lives of such people decrease day by day. Not only this, alcohol affects the nervous system. Only then does the person have no sensation in the state of intoxication. On research of the brains of the drinkers, it has been found that some parts of their brain become numb for ever.

The results of this latest study have been published in a research journal named The Lasent. In this research, studied over 6 million alcoholics in 19 countries around the world. During this period, his age, smoking, diabetes, job was also analyzed. This research is done by Cambridge University of the UK. Researchers say that this is the message for the drinkers, that they should be free from this nasal jam as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be late in understanding this thing.

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