New Year, New Adventures: My Wishes and Reflections for 2024

Hello Hive! 👋

As 2024 has begun a few days ago, I can't help but think about what it really means to start a new year.

You see, for me, this year won't just be a series of days and months, but a blank canvas to redraw my life. Exactly in the same way a child discovers the world for the first time.

Do you remember when you were a kid?

Every new experience was an adventure, every discovery a treasure. We lived in constant wonder, without the slightest idea of what "serious" meant.

But as we grow up, we find ourselves stuck in a routine, losing that sense of wonder, that zest for discovery.

Well, for 2024, I've decided to reclaim that trend. I want to rediscover that spark of wonder, that pure joy of discovering and experimenting.

This is not just a New Year's resolution, it's a mindset, a quest for renewal. Whether it's traveling miles in my van, crafting my first wood sculpture, or savoring my very first home-brewed beer, every moment is going to be a rediscovery.

Here's what I propose: let's become children again, at least in spirit, and see where this year takes us. And who knows? Maybe somewhere between exploration and wonder, we'll find something even more precious: our true selves.

Looking Back on 2023 👀

When I start a new year, I like to take a moment to reflect on the journey of the past twelve months.

It's a difficult exercise because a lot happens in a year. So I try to pick out the memories that have marked me the most.

1. First, the highlight was undoubtedly our incredible road trip in the van.

It wasn't just a vacation, but a true journey. My girlfriend and I, both freelancers, managed to balance work and adventure harmoniously.

We were greeted by breathtaking landscapes, slept under the stars in some of the most amazing places (and sometimes a little less), and made wonderful encounters.

For us, it meant a lot and taught us that in life, we have the right to be free (freedom of movement, freedom in general). No one forces us to live like "everyone else".

Sure, our lifestyle doesn't just have advantages. But that's the case everywhere!

2. There was also this unexpected leap into the world of property.

My girlfriend and I bought a piece of land with a tiny house and a large pond - a decision as spontaneous as it was significant. It wasn't in our plans for 2023, but it turned out to be one of the most significant milestones of the year.

For us, it's just huge because now we have a place of our own legally in France. And it's another step towards the freedom we cherish so much.

Indeed, it means that we will be able to produce our own food, that we will be able to get closer to nature and that we will be able to get closer to what we think is the "real life" without all its frills.

3. 2023 was also the year I brewed my first beer.

As a very big beer enthusiast, the idea of brewing my own has always intrigued me. It was a first for me, an adventure into the unknown, and I'm looking forward to the moment when I can finally taste it.

Actually, I've been able to for two weeks now, but I'm waiting to find myself with the people who gave me this opportunity to taste it with them.

Brewing beer requires patience; after the brewing process, you have to wait weeks before you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. The anticipation is part of the excitement.

4. Wood carving emerged as another new hobby for me in 2023.

A first for me. Especially since I didn't know anything about this activity when entering 2023.

Unfortunately, due to lack of time, I couldn't dive into it as much as I would have liked. But in 2024, I'm determined to devote more time to it, to share my progress with you and perfect this art.

5. Professionally, as a web designer, the past year didn't see much advancement in terms of expanding my client base.

Especially due to the length and intensity of a few projects I undertook. However, this didn't dampen my spirits.

However, this didn't dampen my spirits. Alongside, my girlfriend and I continued to enjoy working on her blog, sharing our adventures and life experiences.

We may not be rich by conventional standards - I even think we might fall below the poverty line in our country - but we have realized that money is not the most important thing.

We are happy with our simple life, finding richness in experiences rather than in our bank accounts.

Lessons learned in 2023

The art of flexibility was a significant lesson for me in 2023. I continue to practice it, but it has already proven to be extremely valuable. It helps in managing the feeling of being overwhelmed and in reducing unnecessary stress.

Finally, introspection is not easy, and summarizing all the lessons learned in a year is even harder. But one thing is clear: my self-confidence has greatly increased.

This stems from various factors, such as being better able to describe my online activities to others, making me feel more heard and taken seriously.

I also navigated through challenging but educational experiences, which have endowed me with new skills and, in turn, boosted my confidence.

Reading more has also played a crucial role, as it encourages reflection and a deeper understanding of the world and the people around me. This knowledge helps me express myself better and recognize my own limits and those of others, further enhancing my self-assurance.

Projects for 2024 🎇

As we just begin 2024, I have several exciting projects in mind that I hope will further enrich this year.

1. Second Beer Brewing

This year, I take on the challenge of brewing a second beer. My goal is to share this batch with at least ten people in my circle, which means producing more than ten bottles. It's no small feat considering the time it takes, but I'm ready for this challenge.

But I feel it's important for me.

Firstly, because I feel it defines me well, but also because I want to share things I love with others so that they remember me.

2. Advancement in Wood Carving

I plan to dedicate more time to wood carving and learn new techniques.

My ambitious project is to create a simple figurine that I will place at the entrance of our land. It will be a symbol of our time and our freedom.

3. Professional Balance

Professionally, I want to keep things simple this year. I'm not necessarily looking for more clients, but rather for occasional projects that will allow me to live without excessive financial stress.

My goal is to find the perfect balance between work and creating meaningful experiences.

4. Life on the Land

Much of my time will be devoted to maintaining our land and making the tiny house more viable and pleasant.

Even if it means fewer trips in the van, I plan to discover new regions in France and explore local cultures.

5. Creation of a Mobile Application

I have a project to develop a habit management mobile application for Android.

It's an ambitious project that I'm still keeping a bit secret, but I look forward to sharing more details with you as it progresses.

6. Continuity on Hive

Finally, I plan to continue sharing my discoveries, adventures, and passions on Hive.

It remains a tremendous pleasure for me, and I feel it also helps to improve my way of expressing myself in real life.

My Desires for 2024

My girlfriend and I have put together a shared list of things we want to do this year. These aren't really goals; they are things that excite us or that we deeply desire to do when we think about them.

Here's the list:

  1. Go eat a Flammkuchen in Alsace.
  2. Do a two to three-day hike in the Alps (staying in refuges or bivouacking).
  3. Work less, but work better (if we don't have work, don't add more).
  4. Visit a new country (without working, to have a real trip).
  5. Eat authentic Aligot in a buron in Aveyron (France).
  6. Go back and eat our favorite tapas at a restaurant we loved in the Alps two years ago.
  7. Buy all the equipment needed for hiking.
  8. Officially move into our tiny house.
  9. A road trip in the van.
  10. A long weekend or a few days just for the two of us to reconnect.

Embracing the path ahead

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, filled with promises and unknowns, it is essential to remember the inherent beauty in the journey itself.

2024 promises to be a journey rich in discoveries, shared adventures, and moments of pure joy. It's not so much the destination that matters, but the experiences we will live and the memories we will create along the way.

It's nothing but an invitation to step out of your home and explore!

This year, we choose to live fully, to cherish each moment, and to embrace flexibility and spontaneity. We aspire to a balance between work and pleasure, recognizing that true wealth lies in the moments we share and the connections we forge.

As we embark on this journey of 2024, I invite you to reflect on your own path.

- What experiences excite you?
- Which moments are you eagerly anticipating?

Let these questions guide your steps and lead you towards a year of growth, wonder, and authentic happiness.

All the photos are taken with my phone or my girlfriend's and belong to me.

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