Vaping worse than smoking?

A recent study showed that vaping is more dangerous for your health than smoking. I think it's strange why? Because I cigarettes there at more dangerous toxins than in the liquid for vaping.

In sigarets there are the following dangerous substances:

  • Benzine
  • Formaldehyde
  • Tar
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium
  • Hydrogen Cyanide
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Nitrogen Oxide
  • Ammonia
  • nicotine
    And more! Approximately 400 toxins

Vaping liquid:

  • Nicotine


A other studie, it from a lung doctor, is that vaping is not bad at all. It's almost as bad as drinking a cup af coffee. He was also saying that the other study was done by the tobacco industry. And that is logical, because they are losing money if people are going to vape.

My story was that is was smoking a pack af cigarettes a day. But in January this year is was quitting smoking and I started to vape. After a month my taste was back and my condition was improving! I had more air in my lung than before! Than is was lowering my nicotine in the liquid. In April this year is quite vaping! Now I'm not smoking at all. All because of vaping!

I'm not saying that vaping is good. If you don't smoke, don't vape at all, but it helped my to quit!

what do you think of vaping and smoking? leave it in an comment and upvote if you like my post!

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