Searching for a Missing Person with Memory Issues in Swampland


One of our neighbors is missing. She and a friend took a walk. The friend went home but Miss Carol did not. Miss Carol has some memory issues, but apparently did not have a GPS tracker yet. Many people in the mid-dementia stage do not have a serious enough problem yet, so they try to hold on to their independence as long as possible. This can be a huge mistake!


The whole town has been combing the area, hoping and praying that Carol is ok. Helicopters, airboats, four-wheelers, people on foot, people on horses, bloodhounds, even my children have been looking. We made a grid of the farm and went out with the older ones with walkie-talkies, flasks of water, and very clear instructions on what to do if they find her first. Time is critical in this situation. A small, elderly woman with no food, water, or cell phone is going to struggle even if weather is good. Well, it's rained every single day. When it isn't raining it's muggy and almost 90 degrees. We are all quite aware of what we might find.

Here are some photos of the efforts of the Sheriff's department with our family, searching 180 acres of ours plus another 200 of gator-infested swamp next door:

Please, if you have a friend or relative with any of the memory spectrum illnesses, plan with them NOW. You must take charge so that they do not become victim of their own brain disorders. Here are some links to the professionals:

For the UK:

There needs to be a plan. Anyone who spends time with your loved one needs to know that they cannot be left alone, especially in public. If frightened, a person with memory issues can get confused, scared, have hallucinations, and fear for their life. They may actively try to run and hide, even when emergency services are looking for them. My own grandmother had Alzheimers and she would forget to eat, even when hungry! Please, prepare NOW.

All photos are originals by Farm and Adventure*

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