Running Without Technology

Yesterday, I made a post about how I had a great experience being able to sit by myself for an extended period of time without technology. Today, I have a different message, but it's also a different experience.

In my message yesterday, I was able to hopefully portray that when we aren't focused on technology in our regular lives, we are able to become more mentally resilient, patient, and appreciative. Tonight, I thought I'd try this approach with some exercise in the form of a neighborhood run around my house.

My thoughts going into this were not super optimistic. I'm a big proponent of working out to electronic music, so trying to do some cardio like this seems tougher. Nonetheless, I made an actual attempt to see if I could muster up the same mental gains that I got from sitting alone in the peace and quiet.

The run started off decent, and my focus was on my breathing as well as trying to cope with the boredom of not having motivating tunage to see me through the run. As the run continued, I realized what a big mistake this was.

A lot of people rely on their technology nowadays for uses other than and in addition to music. Personally, I don't use a Fitbit or smart watch/device. I carry my phone for music and for tracking the run on GPS. I will say that this was the longest feeling and boring run. I had no motivation.

The distractions of technology are a curse to the non-stop pace of normal everyday life. However, with physical exercise, these technological distractions are MORE than welcomed. I do not recommend putting these things away for physical activity. If you're a person that likes running without these things, then power to you! Most of us though need some motivation. It's hard enough to get most people moving in the first place; tack on the monotony of cardio without distractions and it will kill the motivation off even further.

So, to recap -- a break from technology in regular every day life is good! I would however advise against this break being while you're working out. Working out is a perfectly acceptable time not to feel guilty about using your toys.

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