Steemit: Keeping art alive.

BC651F21-57E5-41C2-97C5-B40F434CF1F4.jpegE5815CEB-C2EA-4512-A4C6-34A8E165515C.jpeg81BAE911-D5C9-4ACA-8209-E89BBCD96E8D.jpegStrikes me as particular, that after considerable outlay on materials and tech. Creating cover art for a book- where the materials cost more than the payment for custom labour with many revisions, to be blunt. The "success" as perceived by many of bringing together a peer to peer type collaboration- possibly outpowered by the male ego... admittedly did get a giggle at the speculations from some magazine missing the fact that 1/4 of the input, at the very least, was in fact done by a woman... as one guest artist was hailed the solo female presence... most telling, well, despite asking during the linear notes, pseudo-name wasn't cleared, so there is no name to Extreme Chromo, and what woman could have such a past working history. Certainly noticed being one woman playing many instruments, making compromises for the collaborators to their tastes, and being uncompromising with some of my own for hours and hours in to months of work in solitude... sounds like a solo female. I digress, the successful album, according to the wisdom of other’s and some who know how many odds were stacked and how much work I put in to make my parts, and some press... makes me question the very notion of success.

The press being such a giggle, little as have scanned, anywhere in ambiguity without adding the female name to Extreme Chromo- only the track record and sucking bio, well such a track record must be male... hmm. I’m no feminist per se... just strikes me as absurdly funny that many schematics and without direction and deceleration to the contrary assumptions are made.

Getting to my point, I may work 33 hours straight... I may have many suggestions and had a more profitable model for the album, though this was drowned out and ignored until after the last moment... without my consult the digital download was given free- I do not know when anyone last saw anyone in the United Kingdom buy a CD?

I've adult children who have sadly never held such a foreign object... so no matter how much is invested in blood, sweat, and cold hard cash to complete a project... always there's a glitch and a sense and literal short change. Woohoo... shall I eat an online article, or is there one in print so I can get some nutritional value? Do those with "name out there" or care for "big names"(whatever the f that is) a feast on ego? Damn it, in common with the CD of the album laboured over, I’d be obligated to buy the magazine!

Is not wanting to do acclaim, hey look at me, image face and name all over everything the reason for fiscal deficits all the way? Below I break with traditional tack and have actually included image of the vessel carrying Extreme Chromo- Lilith B.C. why? Well, suggested add an image, and adding any projects I elude to would be mighty disrespectful to those involved- and that is by no means my intent in this very honest commentary. More to highlight the benefits or blockchain- in mainstream indurstry and independence we are equally up against it fiscally.... though two of us may feel that as veterans of life long creativity who are driven to only create as our life and living... Back to the point: blockchain.

So what about Steemit?

Well... this is where things come into their own. I've made more from posting some honesty and my work here than through any endeavour elsewhere artistically. Why? Direct I guess, also the main funnel for income doesn't reside flowing into somebody else's pocket... Ultimately this is brilliant, knowing that if I make quality, I will get a response and a crypto tip: PAID FOR MY ART! Wow.

I've tried independent, tried many other means, and I love making art, music drawing and writing. As I write this I debate- having been asked for working titles for a Publishing house, is it really the way ahead to provide them with a book?

Get involved in a potential marketing loss leader- good for them, not for me- unless I can eat acclaim or care for it... Seems well established I cannot and do not... risk sales and royalties and simple hope that I get paid to at least meet the cost of living and creating my art? Or invest that same time, energy and passion, use those stories, and simply Steemit?

Well... it has become most apparent as to what people will pay for and where, so I cannot speak highly enough of Steemit, the blockchain revolution. With all respect in the World for my colleague on the last album, who is less ego, and whilst may prosper, frankly deserves to do so, though perhaps underestimated the power of idealism and ego in others when it came to feasibility- increased profile isn't worth a sh!t when you can not afford to make the follow up album a loss leader was made to promote.

However... a lot of work and investing many hours more, using the Blockchain, it can and will pay off, and sets a future precedent for being both able to eat, and to create.. have some currency for creations, therefore be able to do more: and that, my friends, is what matters. So All Hail The Blockchain and SteemIt, this may be the salvation of art, and certainly art with integrity where the mainstream saturated markets have no interest... yet discerning people seeking something new, other and fresh can get it, and reward the curators in a way that, to be brutally honest, even the very best working within the worst frameworks of mainstream release cannot avoid screwing the artists almost out of existence... Thank you Steemit community, from your appreciation I have something to eat, and can recoup losses from what many may term my "great success" ha ha... Steemit grants me lasagne, artistic acclaim at a loss just depresses me in to misanthropy. Blockchain reinstates my faith in some of the human race... there may be a new way forwards and changes for us yet.
Having wrestled with the affordability of the project I’m so passionate to create, and the funds required to do so, next to any potential to at least have enough to both eat, absolutely fund the next creative obsession, can it be done? Simply, with Steemit... Yes.
Perhaps every creative’s worst nightmare is loosing the means to create, or being unable to manifest creativity on account of means... That is how blockchain and Steemit are keeping Art Alive! Awesome. pic.jpgPhoto on 10-05-2018 at 21.29.jpg

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