The Time of your Life

Time is a precious commodity that we only have so much of in life

A week contains 168 hours. With 8 hours of sleep each night, subtract 56 from that total. 40 at work, then time for the commute, showering, meals, classes and errands, leaves about 37 hours to do the things that ignite your dreams.

Whether its Writing the Great American Novel, completing that screenplay or launching your own business, enough time is available to realize your future. Now, it also depends what you do with the free moments available throughout the day. I like to get the important things out of the way first. If I ever have a difficult task to do, crushing that quickly becomes the main objective.

Take finishing this post for example. It was started yesterday and I could have watched something on Netflix instead, but chose to work on this, which would give me a sense of accomplishment while watching the movie. It acts as it's own little reward, spurring one on to completion. Getting those things done, leads to a greater sense of satisfaction, while developing good work habits which will serve us well in the future.

Listening to the Tim Ferriss Podcast, made me realize that successful people have the same good habit of rising early in the morning. Steve Jobs did it, as well as many others. It seems that an early-morning start, was common for many of these overachievers. This allows them to get the lay of the land, while offering a competitive advantage over those who slept in later.

What do you spend excessive time on?

Not all that long ago, I was into World of Warcraft. Egged on by a friend, I decided to give it a try. 23 hours later, I'd completely forgotten what day it was and had missed a meeting with a family member. For the next six months, this game took over my life, until one day it dawned on me how much time I was spending away from things I needed to be doing. What began with "Evercrack" ended with WoW. Say you're a Twitch streamer, and make your income online, this is a case in which doing what you love, isn't a job at all. So finding a way to turn those activities you like doing into another income stream, opens up the best of both worlds.

That old saying about everything in moderation, couldn't be any truer today. What are some of the things that have become "time sinks" in your life that can be cut back on, while still providing the pleasure you need?

Thanks for reading!

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