A Letter To Tony


It’s been two years. The world still misses you.

We all certainly could have used your voice right now. You would have been extremely frustrated with most of the events of these past two years, some of it might have made you feel hopeful.

As only you could, you would have offered some words of wisdom that would have cut through the bullshit. Through your lens, you might have said something that made things seem simpler, made the path forward a little more clear. At the very least you would have made us forget about our troubles for a while and laugh at ourselves.

Maybe doing your job to the very best of your ability and then inviting us all to come with you on your adventures did the same thing for you? I certainly hope so.

At this very moment you might have been on a plane cursing to yourself about having to wear a mask...or traipsing around some far-flung place, connecting with the locals as only you could. Eating messy street tacos, slurping noodle bowls filled with questionable meats, or catching a mid-afternoon buzz off some local hooch.

Your authenticity was a welcomed respite in a world of charlatans, scammers, and a myriad of insincerities that continually nip away at us like a pack of pesky chihuahuas.

You always were, unapologetically you. You made no effort to mask your imperfections and were one of the few who realized just what a great asset this is. I think you also made an effort to seek out this same quality in others. This is why, I believe, you were so loved and admired, like a cool older brother that everyone wanted to hang out with.

If only more of us possessed that kind of courage, this world would be easier to navigate, a better place to call home. One thing is for sure, you left us far too soon.

Thanks for the inspiration,

Eric Vance Walton

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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