To make a New Years Resolution or Not?


Most fail their resolutions before even getting to February. So why make one. You should definitely keep reading as it can make you better. A lot of these resolutions fail because they aren’t the right resolutions. It could be that someone “society” is telling you to change it. It is too vague. Or don’t have a realistic plan.

You may want to not make one at all as they are all unachievable. Make a decision to make a change, do not live below who you were created to be. Change things that are keeping you from being your absolute best. Do not aim to high and miss but also important to do not set no goals to keep at a comfort level of your life. Do not make a resolution if you make them too vague, unachievable, and extreme. Do make a goal or a life resolution to be your authentic happy self.

Now lets look at why some fail. They are either too extreme and vague. Such as quit smoking, quit drinking, lose weight, get fit, learn a new language, get out of debt and save money. This is possible as we do it last minute and throw a list together of what society wants. As a project manager it is very easy to see how wrong these are up front. They are complete projects in which you are missing something we call a work breakdown structure. Which are small achievable goals that lead up to that deliverable. Nothing happens in an instant.

Be specific as a resolution should be absolutely clear. Making a concrete goal is important. Rather than saying ‘I want to lose weight’ you want to have a goal of how much you want to lose and in what time intervals. Do not be extreme if you never went to make it 7 days a week to the gym. Weekends are a big part of failures as something occurs or an event comes up. Missing one and when you all or nothing goal breaks it. I made one to workout Money and Wednesday which ingrained it in my lifestyle and made a difference.

Have a measurable goal in which if you want to be lose weight. I also suggest in breaking it down further with what calorie tracking app you may be using as well as achievable workouts per week. If you track behavior you can reinforce the progress, no matter what your resolution may be.

Hope this helps in guiding and hope you watched that video to inspire you to do something not because it is a thing. But because it is about you and only gives you a excuse to make a change now. Have a good happy new year my friends! What resolutions do you have this year? please comment below

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