La Mascletà (English)

Hi everyone!

The last day 8 (March), how you know, it was the International Women's Day.  And in las Fallas of Valencia (Spain) always is a full day of manifestations, both in the morning and for the evening. And in las Fallas, the woman is important not only for the falleras, but also for the mascletà of this day. 

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It's an indispensable event of Fallas, of the most important since it's realized every day of March until end of this festivity. March 19 is the last mascletà and day of Las Fallas.

Every day of March, at 14:00H it happens to them in the Square of the Town hall of the city. Also before March, there can be events as la cridà (in the previous post I commented on her) in that also they do the mascletà. Many persons of other countries and cultures are going to see her at some time because it is a part of our culture. The square of the Town hall is closed to protect the persons of the whole pyrotechnics. In addition they put fences in order that the persons do not approach this structure.

The persons start coming on 12:30 to be in a good site and seeing it well.

 At the 13:30H, the square is flooded with music to entertain the wait until 14:00H. Before the falleras of Valencia rise to the balcony of the town hall to see the mascletà, they walk along the square in order that the public sees them.

Child Falleras of Valencia (2018)

 At 14:00H, the pyrotechnic gentleman puts on his hull of the work and the major falleras of Valencia are those who initiate the mascletà with a few words: Senyor pirotécnic, pot començar the mascetà. That in English it means: Pyrotechnic Gentleman, can begin the mascletà.

 Always they are these words those that every year, every major fallera and fallera major infantile they repeat. And it begins to exploit everything, since it's a pyrotechnic spectacle. Every day they her prepare a different equipment from pyrotechnics. So that always, On March 8, a pyrotechnic woman ignites it.

I leave a few videoes you where it's possible to see this act, since in Youtube every day they are raising any event of las Fallas.

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