Nomi Prins - In the Coming Crash We’ll be Falling from Higher Height

There is nothing sexier than an intelligent woman ... especially when she is telling you how to protect yourself from an impending economic crash. Okay, okay ... I apologize ... she probably doesn't want to be referred to as sexy. However this does not diminish her insight.

... the average person on the street - and I have done so as well - needs to take more cash aside; have more sort of long term crisis related assets aside as well; I am not saying putting all your money in gold but certainly a small percentage in that as well; and to buy things to use. I always say to decrease your debt so when things get bad and rates go up you are not stuck with variable rate types of debt that will then fly in your face.

Something to consider: the can of tuna on the shelf today will cost more is 6-12 months from now. Instead of worrying about investing in the stock market, people should consider investing in things they will use on a daily basis first. A few weeks ago, I bought a few cans of evaporated and condensed milk and skim milk powder. I have a reserve of rice and different types of dried beans, barley and oats on hand. While I anticipate that the world is going have some major cataclysm every year ... I don't expect it to happen. Perhaps I have a bit of squirrel DNA which wants me to set aside some food for the next winter.

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