There is a Treasure Worth $2 Million hiding somewhere in the Rocky Mountains

Somewhere in the Rocky Mountains is a 10'X10' Romanesque box containing gold coins, gold nuggets, artifacts, and precious gems worth almost two million dollars.

In 2010, a multimillionaire art dealer named Forrest Fenn hid this treasure somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. He then went on to write a book titled "The Thrill of the Chase" That had a poem in it. This poem gives you the clues to find this treasure.

Forrest Fenn hid this treasure at the age of 80. Since 2010, it is estimated that more than 65,000 treasure hunters have gone out looking for this elusive box of riches. Fenn believes the treasure is still in place and that people have gotten as close to 200 feet from it.

So far, two people have died on their search and a possible third death may also be attributed this treasure hunt. I would assume that if an 80 year old man can lug this 40 pound box to its hiding spot, Then you don't need to go rappelling down a cliff or white water rafting in the Rio Grande.

Have any Steemians gone out looking for this treasure?

Forrest Fenn has said that if the price of gold increases and the treasure ever reaches the value of 10 million dollars, He will end the hunt and retrieve the treasure box.

So why did he make this treasure hunt? Fenn wanted to get people out of their houses and into nature. He wanted people to experience the wondrous outdoors and what the Rocky Mountains have to offer.

It looks like he succeeded.

Personally I would like to go out searching sometime. When that might be, I don't know. It sure is exciting to think that the possibility of finding it is within anyone's reach. What do you think?

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Until next time...

Keep being cool Steemit


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