The Industrious and a Kilo of Sticky Rice

The Industrious and a Kilo of Sticky Rice

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The factory that Mrs. Ligaya is working reduces workers and she is one of the affected employee. She felt so sad because this was the only source of living they had . Her husband is already dead and she has three small kids. While walking home she passed by the church and went inside and pray.

"Please help me God," she prayed. "Give me a new occupation so that I could still sustained the life of my family".

When she arrived home she caught her old aunt. It came from the province and came to visit her. She gave her one kilo of sticky rice as a present from the province.

On the next day, her old aunt had return home. She thought of making a "kalamay" (a Filipino snack made from grained sticky rice with sweet taste and so yummy). She cooked it deliciously. It's smells was so good and neighbors smells it too and they all come near.

"Do you sell that "kalamay" Mrs. Ligaya?" Asked one of her neighbor. "I want to buy, it looks so delicious".

"Me too", said the other woman. "I like to buy also".

Though Mrs. Ligaya really don't intent to sell the "kalamay" she forced to do so. Since, there's so many who wanted to buy it and each one who bought and tasted the "kalamay" likes it very much.

"Tomorrow, well you cook again, Ligaya, and we will buy," said the old man who likes to eat.

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Then Mrs. Ligaya got some idea. Why not sell "kalamay" for a living. So she cooks more. And it sold fast. And her selling of "kalamay" became so popular. After a few months, she hired two helpers because her "kalamay" business started to became prosperous the same with their lives.

Mrs. Ligaya proves to herself what many have said. God's blessing is widespread. When a window closes, there's another one opened to give hope.

Lesson to learn:
We cannot expect everything will going so well in our life. Oftentimes, we have trials, felt discouraged and sometimes felt hopeless about this life. And we often forgot we're not the only ones who have been into troubles and tested in this life. Others maybe much worst than what we have. In every trial there's always a solution all we have to do is to sit, relax, and then think.

God give us mind to think of ideas of what we should do, where we should go, and whom we can turn to. God won't give us trials that we can't carry, we often heard this sayings because it was already proven. While we are still alive "if there is life, there's a hope" don't lose yours make the most out of it. We are strong as long as we hold on to our faith in Him.

Reality Check:
If people don't expect what life's bring into them, some will blamed Him. They asked why it happens to them. People easily lost hope and forget their faith. And they like to blamed others or compared their lives to another. They liked to think they have been forsaken for if it's not, why it did happen. To think about sometimes we are just being punished of what we have done or tested on how strong we are and to give and to trust Him.

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The Parable
By: Loreta Baltazar

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