Busy, Happy & IT Savvy!


I've been a happy bloke as of late! (Although quite sleep deprived)

Currently working hard on my goals, progressions, this "crypto currency" stuff and just LIFE!

Did I mention I just completed my second Spartan Race!?
© 2017 aurora images (All credits and rights reserved from original source)
(Although I'm not a fan of someone taking our pictures then demanding money for them to be released, I know, I know they must make a living... But still)

I also love helping to lift others up... It has another sense of accomplishment all on it's own

There were some epic highlights of this event that was held in Picton, NSW Australia.
This was to be the last of it's kind as the event holders were closing Picton down and moving it elsewhere in the coming years.

Sad, as this was my first SOLO event, little-alone 21km of up-hill terrain, 35 HARD obstacles and a 4:30am wake up to travelling back home at 3pm that day(Pffft, adrenaline FILLED, I was fine!).
I was hoping to do it more but probably need to travel further in future.

On a note, I did say to you all that I'd continue and disclose some of the more sadder parts of my past and how I came this far but... I think that can wait for the moment, as I am loving life and feel that it's not necessary to re-visit those parts at the moment, even if it were in a narrative sense...

Moving on!

Typical day-to-day as a healthy and fit IT guy on the road:
I aim for 5-6 meals per day...

But usually ends up being something like this!
But hey, it got me to where I am now. Even if I do want to move out of this job and into something even better.

All in all I am glad to be surrounded by technology! I LOVE it!

Generally I DO love helping people in particular professions however, anyone here in the IT business knows like me that some of the most simple tasks and nicest people can get very frustrating at times.
Me: "I'm sorry Sir, you have a PhD in what? And you don't know how to restart your computer?" Sigh

All-in-all I can't complain as I'd much rather be here than on the farm!
... Although the scenery and fresh air was nice.

For now, I present to you this ROCK!
^^ Only a week after doing Spartan 2017, I was back at it again for a 12km hike/jog/run with a work mate, up a mountain again! Like I said, training, self-improvement and getting out and Utilising my training for doing something better in life is what I LOVE!

I hope everyone is having a great week so far!

Dave "MonkeyMan" Curwain

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