Importance of exercise

Things we want

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Everyone craves for money, busy making money, living a luxurious life, having fun, eating the best meal, geting absolutely everything possible. I think it is very nice because that is where most people get their joy and happiness, yes! Virtually everybody.

Most busy people go about their daily activities, focusing on jobs, doing what is needed to get good cash out, and that is absolutely nice.

Healthy living

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One of the most essential things we need to always put on our daily routine is an exercise; because it's one of the best ways to save us from different sort of illness.
I am not a doctor, neither am I a physician but experience teaches a lot.

Some effect

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I have some close dude that most of their daily activities are executed on a spot, all they do is; wake up in the morning, prepare for office and zoom off to their office, right from morning till evening they remain on a spot without much movement, not their fault but that is the nature of their duty.

Currently, some of them are complaining of heaviness in the leg and other body pains.
A doctor made them understand it is the result of sitting on a spot and described on the kind of illness that may be aggravated too if proper precautions are not taken into practice.

Take heed

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Thus, this is just like an advice; irrespective of how your schedule for work might be, always create time for exercise, it is one of the ways to avoid some illness that might be aggravated to something really serious.

Exercising the body needs to be taken very seriously, you need to add it to your daily routine. No matter the few minutes or hours. It will do more good to your body.
There are lots of benefit for exercising our body provides lots of them.

"Health is wealth" that is the wise saying. until you are dealing with serious sickness; you might not understand the saying.

I like ''actifit''

@actifit is doing great work on this, one of the reasons why I have so much love for the project, such a good initiative to safe people from untimely death. Special appreciation to @mcfarhat for the birth of the project.

This is a short post to encourage people to keep doing exercise to keep fit and healthy.

Thank you!

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