Dominican Republic

Hey, for the past two years I've been living in the Dominican Republic. It's a nice place where it rains almost every day, it's a shame but the truth, I am still not able to have a long conversation in Spanish yet. I'm working on it. However, I got friends from the country who speak English which makes it easier for me to speak to them and lazier to learn spanish. I like the fact that they value the spanish culture. 90% of the songs in the radio are in spanish. Different tendencies but in Spanish. I'm hoping to be able to visit the nice places over there and get the chance to make some videos and take some pictures.
Ah! I almost forgot to talk about the food. They have almost the same culinary culture as Haiti, but they gave various servings that Haiti doesn't have. Servings such as: mofongo, pica pollo, mangu etc....
It's a nice place to visit. I can tell. I hope on my next post I'll be able to get some pictures and show you some places that I have been. I will eventually talk you about my trip to Santiago to visit the monumental place. Etc....

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