Whole30 Day 28: Almost There!

Oh my gosh I am almost done! I made it to day 28 with only a few slip-ups and now in a couple days I can do my final weigh in and have a slice of pizza. I already decided that pizza would be my cheat on day 1. They say to add foods back in slowly so I won't be eating any other noncompliant food besides just the pizza so I don't make myself sick. I will not be going back to how I ate before besides just a few things here and there. My family has already started to get used to eating mostly just meats, veggies, and fruits so why change and go back to eating cereal for breakfast, sandwiches and chips for lunch, and regular spaghetti for supper. None of these things were healthy for us since kids like super sugary cereal, prefer white bread and bologna, and our spaghetti was definitely not the good for you kind:)

I am definitely not judging anybody for their food choices because I am for sure not perfect at eating healthier! My kids were not easy to convert to eating better either. Plus it is pretty pricey to eat this way compared to just grabbing boxes off the shelf but it is worth it because my kids seem to be doing better in school, have more energy in the mornings, and they are sleeping better. These are all things that shouldn't have been a thing in the first place and I didn't even realize anything was wrong until I noticed they had changed.

I have done way better with my workouts after the first week of sluggishness wore off and as weird as it sounds that actually makes eating better easier. Mostly because if you are doing the workouts and clean you won't want to mess up everything by eating a half a dozen doughnuts! So I eat sweet potatoes since I found out that you can make them a million different ways:)

Thanks for reading my posts! I know these aren't the most exciting but they keep me on the straight and narrow path towards 30 days of healthy detoxing. Here's Terrence waiting for hummingbirds to swoop down so he can run away scared haha:)

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