Whole30 Day 10: The Day I Realized This Might All Be Worth It!

Today is Day 10 of Whole30! I made it 10 days with no grains, soy, dairy, sugar, artificial anything, processed anything, fast food, grease, and I am happy to say no headaches! How did I do this when I have the world's largest sweet tooth and literally no willpower over junk food? Literally, I just kept thinking how much better I would feel when I got over the initial cravings and got to the point where I don't want junk food. Will that day ever come? Probably not. Will I be able to overcome the cravings without caving? Yes!

This morning something just felt different(in a good way) and I realized that for the first time in ages I woke up without a headache! This is big news for me because I always wake up with what feels like a hangover headache even though I don't drink anything but water. I got up had my iced coffee( I had to switch because I found the flavor is so much better than black when you can't have creamer)then went for a very good power walk before the rain moves in. I used to run but my feet hurt so much my doctor told me just walk, it's better for your joints. I love to walk when it's not freezing cold because I am a wussy with cold weather haha.

As I was saying, up to this point it's been rough but I feel like it's getting a little easier every day and I even went to a birthday party with cake and didn't have a piece. That is a testament to how hard I am trying because I looooove icing! But today is the day that will test my willpower. We have a homeschool fun and fellowship get together and they are having pizza. I love pizza and it's the thing that I absolutely miss more than anything. Cauliflower crust doesn't count as pizza though because it's gross.

Today was weigh in day and I am down 8 pounds! That is pretty good for 10 days and I have only worked out half the time because I haven't made time for myself between work and schoolwork and just everyday life.

Since it took me like all day to finish this post, I am happy to report that I didn't eat any of the pizza or treats today at our get together! Not even a slice of pizza made its way towards me;) With that said I am going to end here and eat some unsweetened applesauce and read a book to keep my head away from the fact that there is ice cream in the freezer. Here is a picture of homemade pizza so there is at least one picture in this post!

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