My Plans, Goals, Dreams, and Aspirations In My Prodigal Worthless Life


I was able to sleep good last night but actually I slept late because I kept on grinding in what ever time I got just to earn some money. I must take these opportunities of making some cash because it is not forever that I can work.

There will come a time that I cannot blog anymore so if that happens I just pray to God to just take my spirit and let me rest already because if I can never do what I liked doing then it is just better for me to graduate already from this world.

Unfortunately I am not feeling anything with my heart, there is no palpitations nor any pain whatsoever in my chest area denoting that I have a heart ailment which is why I am alive up to this moment that is why I will not be expecting to die earlier or anytime soon. @created

But who knows? God has the power and the will to say I am through with all these and I must depart already. But I am not having any sign in my body that I might go away for good. So life for me have to continue, look for the long-term and work on for what I wanted to target in my life.

What I wanted really is for my life to get an improvement so I just have to hope that cryptocurrencies would get kinder in the near future so that I can make my dream surgeries to get a reality if not securing myself wellness without the help or assistance of anyone because.

I do not want to burden anyone anymore and nothing in this world is permanent including my parents who are getting older.

I just do not want to outlive them but give them some ease even for a short while which is why it is part of my plan to at least renovate this house, to elevate its flooring and the roofing so that we would have a safe and secure place to live into and not worry about things getting wet and the flooring not to get flooded when strong rains comes in.

I have a lot to think about aside from myself but my health is of the utmost priority because I do not have anyone helping me out financially so I must make some security about having to always afford my medical needs. may God help me.

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