Snapped tendon 7cm off


Playing squash the other day I was not doing anything hectic like running into the wall or anything. I was actually stationary and as I leaned forward to step forward into a lunge I just felt tension and then a release in the back of my lower calf.

I then knew immediately something was very very wrong here as it made kind of a popping sound and my foot then gave way and I sat gently on the floor. My opponent asked if anything was wrong...... To which my reply was that I am sorry but I dont think I will be able to finish our game and my calf immediately swelled up. I then limped all the way to the car and thankfully I have a automatic amd could drive myself home.

Went to doctor at emergency at hospital and ultrasound and to the foot specialist and confirmed my tendon is torn all the way across and will need to be surgically stitched up in theatre on Monday. I will then need to sleep and everything with a huge moon boot for 8 weeks. Gonna be hectic.... Wish me luck.

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