5 Reasons Why Spending Money On Experiences Makes Us Happier Than Buying Stuff

Spend on experience. As time goes by, you might not have a chance at all.

1. Happiness Over Material Items Quickly Fades Away.

The excitement of that new Iphone will quickly fade into the background as they become part of our daily lives. Experiences like travelling instead becomes part of our identity which brings greater satisfaction.

2. Experiences Define Your Purpose and Passion

Your daily activities should be guided by your purpose and passion, not material possessions.

3. Possessions Don't Contribute To Social Relationships

We consume experiences directly with other people and after they're gone, they're part of a story we tell to one another.

4. Moments are more memorable

While experiences are designed to be fleeting, they provide high level of arousal and memorability thanks to anticipation.

5. Experiences Introduce You To A Whole New World

Unlike stuff, experiences introduces you to new perspectives, life lessons and the importance of gratitude.

Inspired from: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294163

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