Who has the greater intelligence the Songbird or the Rational Human

Songbirds Trek 9,000 Miles to Africa

The northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) weighs no more than 2 tablespoons of salt and can make roundtrips spanning some 18,000 miles.
Tiny songbirds weighing no more than two tablespoons of salt apparently globe-trot regularly from the Arctic to Africa, crossing either Asia or the Atlantic to do it, scientists find.

By Charles Q. Choi, Live Science Contributor
Credit: Heiko Schmaljohann

By laying the groundwork for the 18th century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, Spinoza came to be considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy.
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Humans travel needs require a passport and if any distance over a few kilometres human needs to employ a polluting fuelled train plane or automobile and regularly stop to be searched at visa control points. The songbird travels 9000 miles on its own steam and plans its route to collect feed to refuel.

The human must make regular stops to buy fuel with money created from thin air that has no intrinsic value. The Human gives up his time to work hard to save up units of local currency created from thin air by a central bank that regularly steals from the general population by instigating price inflationary tactics such as Quantitative Easing in other words Increasing the money supply or reducing the return on savings.

The songbirds brain is to tiny for such rational thought.

The songbird instinctively knows how to survive and thrive.

The human through rational thought has become enslaved by its own inventions. Humans have organised rationally and logically that has so far created a world society where we have a proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and weapons of mass deception.

Humans in truth can justify by rational understanding, irrational ideas. For example, the idea, to keep the world at peace, politicians rationally threaten the world with war and complete annihilation. How do you think this rational thought will end?

Considering the songbirds travel arrangements and needs it has a versatile sustainable life.

Considering the humans rational thought and big brain. Look where it has led the human race. Rational thought and a big brain is overrated when it lacks wisdom, heart and sanctity.

If I had to vote between the human or the songbird ?

Rationally thinking on every measure the songbird gets my upvote.

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