#ulog #4. The life of an airbnb host

As someone who is always looking for avenues to create income and grow in experiences one of the things I do on the side is host on airbnb.

It’s fun and I mostly enjoy it but sometimes I just can’t handle certain things that come with this kind of job or side gig.

Today I want to tell you a lil about the bad next time maybe I’ll dabble is the good. I was motivated to write this post after seeing the state of one of the condos we work with and the crazy mess that was left behind and the feelings that went through my heart while looking around.

Now of course having chosen to be in this line of work I kinda lose all rights to complain when guests don’t keep the place tidy or leave it a complete reck because, this is one of the risks of being a short term host but at the same time it’s kinda saddening that folks don’t respect each other’s spaces enough, yeah I get it, they paid to stay but honestly does that mean they should disregard all niceties and just not be kind to the space they have rented for their stay?


I guess this same issue teaches me how I don’t want to be. I wanna be the kind of guest that host want to have visit again. Anywho, just a quick mild rant.

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