New Years resolution QUITTING SMOKING πŸ˜©πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

So it's January and that can mean only a few things... 1 everyone is trying hard to save money after the bustle of the Christmas period and 2, most people have made New Years resolutions (which we all probably won't stick to for longer than a few weeks at best πŸ˜‚)

My New Years resolution this year was to quit smoking and so far it's safe to say that it hasn't gone so well. Usually I smoke about 5-10 cigarettes a day so although I'm not a heavy smoker, it is always a good time to try and stop. Today I decided to destroy all of my remaining cigarettes and try to get through this cold-turkey.
Quitting smoking would not only improve my life financially (I live in the UK and so I pay roughly Β£10 every other day for a box of 20 cigarettes) but it would also improve my life in various other ways. I work in a job that involves me talking on the phone to clients for a large portion of the day, and a smokers cough or dry throat is the last thing that you want to creep up on you whilst trying to sound professional to customers. Since I have been smoking I have also found myself getting short of breath a lot more easilier than I did before I started. Overall, there are so many benefits to quitting but not many benefits at all to carrying on. If there are any smokers out there reading this then I would also advise you to try to quit, it will be a hard struggle but overall should be well worth it in the long term.

Well today was my first day of actually taking this whole quitting smoking business seriously and so far it hasn't gone so badly. Yes I am craving my nicotine fix but in general I feel less tired and just generally less 'crappy' than I did when I was smoking - and it's only day 1! 😁

Wish me luck guys!

Thanks for reading this short post ✌🏼😁

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