Hello steemians, in Argentina an important debate is carried out on the abortion, or actually on the life. Before our legislators debate in a special session on June 13 the legalization of the abortion, The congress is listening to the society, which he thinks with regard to the topic.

In general they all coincide with that the fact of being able to discuss this topic in the country is a part of … a social evolution, surely if, but without doubts I think personally that it is a regression of our humanity. The formed opinion that each one has in the matter is without doubts part of our personal beliefs and of our values, and that this goes on to public debate where the condition changes or remains with the same position is going to define the values and who we are like a society.

The abortion is the ending or premature interruption of the pregnancy. It is to cause the death, for what it concerns me constitutes a crime, an action in opposition to the principal and essential right that we take the persons since as it it is, the " RIGHT TO THE LIFE ".

Our legislation has had sufficient evolution with regard to the topic, contemplating situations you carry to extremes like of not sanctioning the interruption of the pregnancy when for the same one the pregnant woman traverses risk of losing his life, or in case of an abuse to a disabled woman, and from it does not do very much also in case the pregnancy is a product of a violation to any woman, independently of his capacity. In these cases also the life is interrupted, but I think that extreme situations are contemplated and it's enough.

Those who are in favour of the abortion, support between so many things the rates of "mother" mortality, and that the condition must not intervene in the right of the women on being free to decide on his own body. The problem is that in the body of a pregnant woman there is another life growing, and his alone body uses as cradle in this development and on this life, does not have right the woman who takes it. A woman can decide if an operation wants to be done, since to treat a disease, or any thing that it decides to do on his body, but it cannot decide on if anybody should live or not. And we have all the freedom of the world of making and undoing with our body, with our life, but we must be responsible for our actions, because a pregnancy is a consequence of an action. If you did not look after yourself, if you left yourself to go for the present time or if simply you thought that not you ovas when she remained a pregnant woman, that it is not going to happen to you, because sos vos and to vos it does not happen to you, it you you is going to have to take charge also of the consequences. I say it because I have friends, sisters, premiums, of them I realize an abortion and some of them are in favour of the same one, and I am in a university where the majority it are neither women who do not have any resource, nor education. Nevertheless in the university there is the whole clandestine organization the abortion to facilitate them to the girls, to solve his "problem".

The sex is not very rational … is in general an instinct, one is left to go, nevertheless it is a very important act, I do not go away to putting vulgar saying what I think, but I am conscious that the education does not come to all sides, and neither we all have the possibility of growing in families that inculcate theirs good values, or that they are strict with the responsibility and what it means it. Because of it I believe that the marches, the debates, and of what is urgent to deal indeed it is in the topic of bottom, in the lacks that we take as a company, and on the topic, the most important it is the sexual education, which is debated seriously on a sexual identical education to the epoch in which we live and which one is strictly in his application. It is necessary to speak about prevention, of the ways of taking care of yourself, which are a lot, that in case of not having done it there is a tablet that you prune to take with posteriority to the sexual relation and also to prepare a not wished pregnancy, also it should discuss a very important topic that does not work since it should that it is the adoption, which stops being so bureaucratic and for which when a family comes for this child who needs one, they do not have to wait years or happen for so many tests. And especially to emphasize in that our body is sacred, of that we have to take care, love it, and not share it with anyone, and if on having shared it a pregnancy arises though it is not for what you were waiting or die of fear, it is necessary to face and be persons in charge it, the life is going to change and it does not mean that it is going to be bad, It is going to be different and if there does not exist the possibility of accepting it, there are hundreds of families that expect to have a baby and not to be able.

The death is never a good solution, probably the most rapid. But it is neither the best nor the correct one, in my opinion. Because of it I am in opposition to legalizing the abortion, approving that someone interrupts the life of other one, and that raises the condition, Or the whole company has the obligation to cover it in the hospitals, because in the project that is debated not only it is in discussion that does not sanction such a crime, but also that the condition necessarily settles the abortions. To it me terrifies the topic, there seems to me to be sad that exists the possibility that this makes real, and that with the time this is seen as something that it are nice. I think that it is nice to evolve, to open the mind, to accept ourselves different, with choices and different thoughts, but sometimes I think that we are passing, that there are many things that aren't good. I feel that every time it occupies first place more "I", and we are increasingly an egoist and instead of valuing ourselves mas and growing humanamente us cosificamos and there are essential values that are getting lost. It is my position, my thoughts and feelings. That think you in the matter!?? I leave an embrace them

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