Fit Life #1: 4 Ways to Eat During CNY without adding more calories

Dong Dong Chiang Dong Dong Chiang!

First of all, GONG HEI FATT CHOI, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR once again for anyone who is celebrating this festive season.


What does this festive season means? Ok, definitely ANG POW!!! But the excitement really depends on which side are you coming from :P – the Giver or the Receiver.

If you are like me, the Receiver, you will see me with a big grin on my face when I see the Giver (usually the married couple) haha

Having said that, this is also the time of the year where all the Chinese New Year cookies, Yu Sheng, delicious pineapple tarts etc gonna be displayed everywhere, whenever you visit someone’s home.


Source : 123rf

Though I am pretty sure your home would probably have a bunch of these. And if you love CNY cookies like I do, you’d probably may put on a few extra kilos or pound which you do not want.

Waiittt... just in case you are wondering, I am not here to ask you, especially fellow Malaysian, to forgot all those CNY cookies, soft drinks, booze or anything unhealthy, even though that might be the easiest solution. I still want you to enjoy the festive season with your love ones. Especially fellow Malaysian when it comes to food, sometimes we have no mercy.

So the key here is to still able to do all of that, moderately, while being able to keep the momentum to keep fit the same time. Now, let's dive in!

No 1 : Half a workout is still better than ZERO workout

In case you are thinking a short workout ? "Meh.. might as well don't start", that would be so wrong.

You can accomplished so much in just merely half an hour, if time is really of matter, doing a fast quick 15-20min workout. A simple activity of walking is also a great option. Or do some squats, dips or crunches when you are watching TV. Be creative!

No 2. Smart Snacking

Well, CNY cookies pretty much can be easily accessible unless you ask someone to hide them well. But it might get a little difficult when you're making a CNY house visit. Like I absolutely adores pineapple tarts, and honestly sometimes I can munch like half a can itself one shot, which also means I may have tonnes of calories to burn later.

So, just before you head over to house visit, fill your stomach with some healthy food / snack first. When you get to your relative/ friend's place you are more or less full. This can then cut down those cookies intake.

Source :

What are the good healthy snack you can go for ? here's some suggestion for you :

  • Fresh fruits : They are packed in fibres, vitamins, antioxidant and the natural sweetness from the fruits can satisfy your sweet cravings too.
  • Nuts : Nuts are a great source of dietary fibre, nutrients and few range of Vitamin groups such as calcium, potassium, antioxidant minerals. They are simply filling and nutritious. However do avoid those nuts coated with honey or sugar.

No. 3. Practice Mindful Eating

There are studies shows that people tends to overeat when they are distracted, as they are unable to pay attention to what they are doing.

To avoid this, practice mindful eating by taking your time to chew and eat slowly. Enjoy the process of eating and savor your favorite cookies with love. Notice how it felt like when the cookies melt in your mouth, something like what Remy, the rat in Ratatouille experienced when he took the bites of the food. Notice the smell, the taste, the texture and everything that you can.

Eating slowly and mindfully can also increase the feeling of satisfaction and fullness, hence prevents overeating.

No. 4. Choose your drinks well

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Just before you grab another can of booze or soft drinks, stop right there. Alcoholic or sugary drinks usually adds a lots of calories in your body. And taking too much sugar a day is definitely not recommended.

What are your options? Why not give a change and drink some hot tea or any unsweetened drinks. Even water is a great choice!

Hope this simple guide will help you not to add any extra calories in this festive season. Have a wonderful celebrations!

And do watch out this space, as some workout tips will come along!

Till then,

Stay Awesome and Be the Best Version of Yourself.


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