Does Everything Have a Positive and a Negative Side?

I am one of many people on a Healing Team. Any day that I awake with knowing it's a "healing day," I get excited and happy to know I will be able to help someone get healed. That I was part of the healing and that the person left with such a different attitude, usually joyful. That seems to be a POSITIVE day for me. I try to dwell on what happens during that day, so I can stay UP.

Then, on another day I can come home and just blab about how the team was such a pain that day. How no one seemed to help each other. How the person who came for help, didn't really get any. I am down and feeling worthless. I feel like I had a NEGATIVE day. I try to put it out of my mind, so I can stay UP, although it keeps popping back in, which again brings me DOWN.

So now for the question: Do I ever see positives in negative days and negatives in positive days? Well, sure, if I look. But isn't that the real problem? Do we "look" at the WHOLE picture and not just the single incident that makes us happy or upset?

There is a couple that has been coming quite often and we all love to see them come. Why? Because even though they do have problems with which they need help, they are generally very upbeat, smiling, grateful and thankful that we can help them in some ways. Some of us even want them to join us on the team - perhaps because they might keep us all happier. If this couple did not have a problem in the first place, (negative), they never would have come for help, (positive) which would kept them from helping us to feel happier. (negative)

So the problem seems to be that whenever there is something negative happening, we seem to dwell on that. Instead, what if we tried to find something positive with which to balance it, so we can again feel better about what's happening? Usually when there something positive happening, we don't look for the negative. I think we need to work on more positive attitudes. Even when my Team members aren't in sync with each other, they are still good people who are giving up their time to help others. I need to look for the good in others, instead of the bad. It makes my day feel happier, even when I talk of the good they do, how we laugh together, how they are all so willing to give up their time for others.

Maybe I wrote this to find this out. After all, I am still human and I still have ups and downs, and even though I read my Bible, I still have a long way to go.

I hope you got something from know I did.
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