[TODAY'S YOGA POSE] All Bendy Alike


How are you? I'm good, thanks!

Today i wanna talk to you about how hard it is to bend my back... Its a daily struggle to be able to do backbends, I wasnt born a contortionist - unfortunately.  

* photo flood warning *  ❤️  

The greatest part in backbends is, besides how good it looks on pics, they tone the muscles and increase the blood flow around the spine and diaphragm :) 

BUT, by far, those are the hardest for me! I feel my muscles burning and stretching so badly, that I wont deny... I skip those very very often 😅  

It feels to me like opening my heart and chest to the world, i feel light and a chill on my chest at the same time, its pretty awesome once you get past the muscle discomfort - which is pretty normal at first. 

And, while I'm writting this post, I already got an inspiration for my next post. I'm gonna tell you all about how Yoga changed my lifestyle, such as food choices, drinking choices, my clothing style and stuff... But it wont be "hypocrite" as the motivational posts around internet - i promise! 😂 😂😂 



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