Come see some pics - I'm a YOGI!

Hey there! I'm a yogi...

But I wont start this post with a lie and say I'm here for the spiritual journey, and the relaxation and stuff... Yeah, that too, but what really got me loving yoga is: the acrobatics.  

Being upside down, and balance myself in my arms while my feet is floating, the flying sensation... thats where i get my relaxation from :) 

I was never a pacific person, neither spiritual. But with yoga I learned to be patient, and that things wont go as we want, whenever we want. Learning to wait was the greatest thing in my life, even tho some days I feel down on energy, hopeless, we all do... But isnt that balance? One day we're down, the next we wake up to a new day full of new possibilities and chances! One day we eat healthy, and the next day we're having fries with beer, so what? 

And thats what happens with our bodies in yoga, the self awareness to combine movement and alignment, balance and strength and be in a position that we practiced for days, months... being able to respect when its just not possible yet to do what you want, and try again tomorrow. 

What I wanna say is: If you don't do it for one reason, do it for another, but do it. I didnt do yoga for spiritual reasons, but I do it for the acrobatics and the spiritual part comes slowly along in the background :p 



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