Dealing with Anger when you know your Post is Rad but nobody likes it :(

You suddenly have a lightbulb go off in your head for a great post and you just intrinsically know that everyone else will "get" it and respect your genius so you start firing away with synapses in overdrive to get this post out and about. Searching for that perfect graphic to accompany your mind-blowing post you visualize people all over the globe reading your words and nodding in agreement and admiring your fabulous post. After previewing it while glowing and smiling on the inside you post it and just know those upvotes will pour obsessively check to see if you can pass that ten dollar post mark. You wait....and wait
Nothing happening really, just a few nods from the usual crew and maybe enough moolah to buy a gumball. Soon the seething anger sets in. How can nobody see the sheer awesomeness of what you just spewed forth from the depths of your mind? The sad realization that you are not a special snowflake sets in and you almost want to punch the person who told you how you should "blog" or whatever...for big money and ego stroking but you refrain as that would just wind you up even more. So here are three easy steps to deal with anger over the awareness that your post was utter crap...
Step 1- Chamomile Tea, yes go make yourself a soothing cup of tea and maybe read the inspirational quote on the tea bag tag
Step 2- Booze.....drinking never solves anything and makes most things worse but you can at least numb out the knowledge that your big money post was not well received
Step 3- Organic Gardening and Photography, when all else fails the best cure is to just start an Organic Garden and then take pictures of your Oregano and Rosemary
I realize this post is crap but hopefully it's the kind of crap that is used like manure instead of flushed as inspiration comes from the strangest places and it isn't always having to have your musings validated.disco.jpg

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