I drove 3500 miles across America in 11 days

Just under a month ago we started the US leg of our tour..
We're a duo and the catch is... Only one of us can drive! (me... Jack)

Live in LA

To be honest, I didn't mind. I was really holding out high hopes for lots of nice scenery. And dear lord did I under estimate just how beautiful America is! In the space of 8 hours you can get flat fields > mountains > snow > barren dessert then mountains again!

America is BIG. They do everything BIG:

Also nothing would prepare us for just how different the downtown area of Salt Late City. This is me inside one of the Mormon Welcome Centres:

Everyone was incredibly kind and wanted to talk... being from London it kinda freaked me out lol. @anyx did a GREAT post on Salt Lake City if you want to find out more.

And going from Denver, where weed is legal, to Saly Lake City where the city centre is very devoutly religious to Las Vegas where... well... you know... was so entertaining.

In general, everywhere we went we met nothing but incredibly lovely people and bands. Bravo America.

Because most days we only got to drive into the city, set up, play the show then drive out of the city a few hours after to find a motel we never got to properly visit anywhere. But from the brief encounters I had on our tour I can now safely say I want to visit everywhere in America!

...whilst wearing this hat

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