
The time that is enjoyed is the real time lived (Jorge Bucay)

Anti-aging medicine, or the well-known antiaging medicine, is a type of medicine aimed at prevention, in order to prolong health in its most optimal state, covering the physical, mental and sexual aspects of the human being.

But we all agree that what is important is the fact of how to age, in the quality of life we have at this very important stage and which we will all hopefully go through.

To notice life while living, to catch a glimpse of its relentless greatness, to enjoy time and the people who inhabit it, to celebrate life and the dream of living, that is his art. ( Domenico Cieri)

Scientific anti-aging studies have given many guidelines to follow and all focused on prevention and some basic pillars such as:

➣ Fight free radicals.

➣ Alkaline diet for a balanced PH.

➣ Physical Exercise.

➣ Get adequate rest.

➣ Avoid smoking and alcohol.

➣ Healthy eating and calorie and sugar restriction.

➣ Prevent cognitive impairment with brain activity.

➣ Stress under control and keep a positive attitude.

And it is on this last point that I will stop. Stress, depression, anxiety and emotional ups and downs are all directly related to premature aging. When stress is frequent and for long periods of time, in the long term it has a detrimental effect on our health and not only contributes to aging but also causes the onset of chronic diseases.

The solution seems obvious, it's about working to reduce worry, stress and anxiety by eliminating trigger situations. Assuming the responsibility we have for the attitudes we have towards our health, our quality of life and our longevity, and taking the necessary corrective action.

In twenty years you'll be more disappointed in the things you didn't do than in the things you did. (Mark Twain)

It's never too late to change habits and the reward is worth it:

Maintaining good health, prolonging youth and achieving a better quality of life go hand in hand with the fact that:

❐ Learning to enjoy, with the fact of living in well-being.

❐ Carry out activities that motivate us and are rewarding and enjoyable.

❐ Sharing with our affections and caring for our social relationships.

❐ Travelling, doing things for the first time, breaking with routine.

❐ Outdoor activities.

In short, it is simpler than you think, we just have to learn to fully enjoy our life.

I have realized that if you love life, life will love you back' (Arthur Rubinstein)

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